Recent content by Horsensecarole

  1. Horsensecarole

    Mix and Match Breeds?

    We have Barred Rock, ISR Red, Sapphire Gem, some Marans the store said were Black Copper but aren't, and some we hatched from our old rooster so they are a mix. They all do pretty well together.
  2. Horsensecarole

    Questions on breeding specific Roosters

    We used to buy White Leghorns x Rhode Island Red crosses that were great egg layers.
  3. Horsensecarole

    Hi.. I’m new!

    Welcome! There is great information and helpful people here. Enjoy! Carole
  4. Horsensecarole

    Chicken Food Tower

    Do you have any updates on how this went? Looks like an amazing idea!!
  5. Horsensecarole

    New Member: Trying to keep these peeps healthy!

    I’m not sure, they just seemed weak the next day. One died pretty quickly. I tried molasses water with the other but it didn’t work. Those were my two Barred Rocks. A day or so later one of my Americauna’s did the same thing. I’ve had a few pasty butts I’ve been cleaning and seem to be doing well.
  6. Horsensecarole

    Do you use supplemental lighting?

    This past winter we did not. But we also lost 3 of our four to a predator. They were laying still, and it’s been a mild winter so not sure what all that means. Previously we had but they mostly stopped laying in midwinter anyway!
  7. Horsensecarole

    New Member: Trying to keep these peeps healthy!

    Thanks so much! They seem to be spread out well, some just seemed smaller and lethargic.
  8. Horsensecarole

    New Member: Trying to keep these peeps healthy!

    Thanks! It’s been fun restarting!
  9. Horsensecarole

    New Member: Trying to keep these peeps healthy!

    Thanks! I picked up a wooden shipping crate free off FB Martin. We had the lid from previous chicks. Cut it down to fit the lid and it’s working perfectly. I love how it turned out!
  10. Horsensecarole

    New Member: Trying to keep these peeps healthy!

    They are all pretty spread out. A few bunch at a time here and there but no major huddling.
  11. Horsensecarole

    New Member: Trying to keep these peeps healthy!

    Thanks! They are a new venture, we’ve only had Rhode Island Red xLeghorns in the past, except for the couple of Barred Rock recently. I’m excited to watch them grow!
  12. Horsensecarole

    New Member: Trying to keep these peeps healthy!

    Hey everyone, happy to be with other peep enthusiasts. I’m Carole, we’ve raised chicks in the past but have been out of it for years. We got a few Barred Rock and Rhodes last year. Enjoyed it again so we’re expanding the flock. We have a small place in VA and are trying to create a place for...
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