Recent content by horsesnchkns

  1. horsesnchkns

    Fighting with oposums

    I have to agree... not to sound like a broken record. possums and coons have killed more chickens than I care to remember. I trap and shoot with a small .22. sounds like a nail gun or firecracker. I'm in the city limits, (but not in a true neighborhood) and my neighbors all benefit from the...
  2. horsesnchkns

    Is it necessary to separate my rooster after removing his spurs?

    I have watched enough videos and read enough here to know how to do it. I don't really have a place to keep him separated from the girls,though. If I apply redKote or something of that nature to the fresh spur, do you all think he'll be ok back in with the girls? this is a GREAT rooster, he's...
  3. horsesnchkns

    Is there something wrong with my chickens?

    I wanted to ask the same. I have 6 barred rocks who are just over a year old. I have some 5 month old hens in with them. 4 of my BR girls look awful! Looks like pecking to me. Red featherless necks, and some feather loss on their backs. I have a pretty large rooster who has big Spurs. My dad...
  4. horsesnchkns

    Any ideas of how to stop House Sparrows from eating all the chicken feed???

    I'm having a terrible time with what I think are sparrows. I'm in central Texas... They are eating all my chicken feed (crumbles). My girls aren't laying like they should (pretty much all summer and now into Fall) and the only thing I can think is it's those stupid birds. There are probably 5...
  5. horsesnchkns

    Show off your roosters

    Thank you KYTinpusher! I have 5 newly laying hens with King, and will have 5 pullets with the new rooster... I do have them together but separated, (a small pen inside the big pen) and we let 1 baby out last week and she got pecked on. It's my daughter's fave so she didn't let much happen. I...
  6. horsesnchkns

    Show off your roosters

    Here is my rooster - King. He's a "mutt" - but I'd love to know if any of you see any particular breed in him. I suspect barred rock and Americauna? I bought him after a raccoon got 6 of my pullets and my 4 mo old Orloff rooster But, King is an amazing rooster... very good with us humans...
  7. horsesnchkns

    First Egg Countdown

    So - I finally had enough eggs to give a dozen away, and I gave my first dozen away to my dad. He has been a huge help in building the coop with me, feeding them when I can't get out there to feed (my parents live sort of next door to my pasture) - so I was planning to supply them with eggs...
  8. horsesnchkns

    Fire ants count as pests to me.

    So, I'm So confused. I have a coop and a 50ft by 50 ft "yard" that my chickens have. I have fire ants, but all over the ground out there, not just mounds. (I'm sure there are mounds) - but my chickens stand around and end up with ants on their feet, and they are apparently getting stung...
  9. horsesnchkns

    I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

    I'm down here in Texas, where it's hot as Hades down here.. well, I've never been to Hades.. but.. you get the idea. I haven't caught much lately since it's gotten so hot. Caught a fiesty little possum the other day... Last coon I got was maybe 3 weeks ago... a mama it looked like, as she was...
  10. horsesnchkns

    First Egg Countdown

    eyotig - as for when to open the nest boxes... I didn't open mine until i saw the first egg. I opened them that evening. The next two eggs were still on the ground, but I put one of the eggs in one of the boxes (which isn't recommended, best to use a "fake egg" but I didn't have one, so I...
  11. horsesnchkns

    First Egg Countdown

    I'm so glad I"m not the only one that gets eggscited (new word for me!) when checking nest boxes... I was getting one a day (5 pullets/hens) - then over the weekend I got 2 a day. Then I got one TINY one! We broke it open last night and the yolk hadn't even formed. I'm wishing i had snapped a...
  12. horsesnchkns

    Crowing hen

    Thank you Flockwatcher, that's helpful. And Megg... that was also helpful! I can usually only really spend time with them on the weekends, so I don't always hear what's going on. My hen "crow" wasn't as loud as the video, it was more of a shy "whisper" but I expect she was just "trying it...
  13. horsesnchkns

    Crowing hen

    ok, this is going to sound dumb, but I"m raising my first flock (got the babies in Feb 2013) - I lost my original rooster to a racoon (who met her fate the next day) - Bought another rooster who is about 8 or 9 months to my girls 5 months. My rooster crows. (of course) - So, this hen crowing...
  14. horsesnchkns

    First Egg Countdown

    Oh glad I found this thread. Got my first egg Thursday, held on to it. (And posted it on FB I was so excited!) Another Friday, (nest boxes have been closed up.... Didn't want them sleeping in them.) No egg Saturday, but went ahead and set up the nest boxes ... This morning (Sunday) there was a...
  15. horsesnchkns

    Broken Leg?

    Thank you, Flockwatcher. I have separated her into a box with a mesh covered open front inside the cage with the other birds so she still sees her buddies but it not bothered by them. I'm keeping the light off in the garage today to encourage them to rest today. She is eating, but haven't seen...
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