Recent content by house1917

  1. house1917

    Please help; hatchery fiasco…10 unknown chicks!!

    My $.02... The chicks with the defined Cleopatra eyeliner are likely pullet Bielefelders. The little guy with the more red head and smudged eyeliner is likely a cockerel Bielefelder. Agreed with others that the black chick with white head dot is some kind of barred breed- and from the tiny comb...
  2. house1917

    Does any one Know what color he is called and breed

    'Sort of red pyle' is how I'd describe the color!
  3. house1917

    SLW x Araucana 11 weeks - pullet or cockerel?

    I'm a broken record that black and white EEs are my favorites- and she's no exception. Pretty bird
  4. house1917

    I need some help with identifying the breed please.

    One looks like a Dark Cornish, and agree the other looks like a Black laced golden Wyandotte!
  5. house1917

    What breed is this rooster?

    The way he carries himself reminds me of a Langshan- but he has clean legs so maybe a Langshan cross? Doesn't jump out as any purebred but I'd happy to be wrong! And I agree he's a cool looking bird.
  6. house1917

    What do y’all think? Hens or Roosters?!

    Hopefully you wanted at least one cockerel because you have two! Cool coloring on the EE!
  7. house1917

    Can you ID the 8 of us?

    Especially if you got them at a 'big box feed store', several of them look like high-production hybrid egg layers. #2- Midnight Marans #3- Color Pack Easter Egger #6- Silver Sussex as said above! The good news is you'll have lots of eggs in the not too distant future! Pretty birds.
  8. house1917

    6 week old Super Blue Egg Layer

    Definitely a cockerel, but the 'three rows of peas' turns out to be largely true, but not an actual 100% determination. Totally use it as rule of thumb, and makes me watch the 'three peas' much closer as they grow!
  9. house1917

    Ameraucana temperament

    Mine have been middle of the flock, EEs have been way friendlier. They tend to mellow out once they start laying. Good luck with them!
  10. house1917

    Breed and gender ? About 6 weeks old

    Based on her mature coloring and the speckled egg- she may be a hatchery grade Welsummer! Pretty girl, and pretty egg!
  11. house1917

    Hello all. I was hoping to pick some brains on crosses.

    Essentially you'd be breeding more EEs. With the crosses you've listed you'll at least get green/olive, blue, and light blue/tinted. With the pea comb on both roosters, I'd expect it to be unlikely you'd get brown eggs, but maybe on the more olive side of green than true green depending on...
  12. house1917

    What breed and gender? Please help

    With the single comb, and feathered legs- I'd guess a salmon faverolle mix. Plus they're super mellow and can end up at the bottom of the pecking order in a mixed flock. Should have a super engaging, sweet temperament!
  13. house1917

    What kind of chickens do I have and which breed did this egg come from?

    Isbars and Welsummers are two relatively common clean-legged breeds that often lay speckled eggs. Since EEs are wonderful mutts, you could have mixes of either. Based on the pullet in the last photo, I'd bet on Welsummer. Really pretty egg- hope you get lots more like it!
  14. house1917

    Rhode island red

    Based on the comb and wattle already showing, I'd guess cockerel as well on the RIR. But on the leghorn, I'd say it's too early to tell. Leghorns have much bigger combs at maturity for both hens and roosters- so it's hard to compare the two!
  15. house1917


    Looks like a bunch of hens to me... Easter Eggers, red sex link, RIR/New Hampshire, and maybe a Sapphire?!
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