Recent content by housewife

  1. housewife


    Ok thank you
  2. housewife


    Does anyone know how much a adult male Rouen is being sold as? I may have to sale my 2 year olds because they aren't getting along with the new babies I bought.
  3. housewife


    Does Rouen ducks molt? I have some that is loosing feathers, coloring. And the female isn't laying eggs right now.
  4. housewife

    Rouen Duck thread

    yes it is. The ones that look like females are very loud
  5. housewife

    Rouen Duck thread

    ty very much
  6. housewife

    Rouen Duck thread

    Is this a tail from a male Rouen?
  7. housewife

    Rouen Duck thread

    Here's a full picture of the one needing to know if it is a male.
  8. housewife

    Rouen Duck thread

  9. housewife

    Rouen Duck thread

    Is this one a male?
  10. housewife

    Rouen Duck thread

    Is this one a female?
  11. housewife

    Rouen Duck thread

    ty. That helps a lot. I noticed some have dark bills and some are yellow.
  12. housewife

    Rouen Duck thread

    10 weeks old 10 weeks old 10 weeks old 10 weeks old 10 weeks old 10 weeks old 10 weeks old 10 weeks old 10 weeks old These Rouens are about 7 weeks old. Can anyone tell from these pics is any are male or female. Right now some quack and some chirp.
  13. housewife

    Rouen Duck thread

    Ty@Debs Flock for your help. Right now my Rouen ducks are all the same age. Some quacks and some chirps. They are 10 weeks old. So far they all look the same.
  14. housewife

    Rouen Duck thread

    Does anyone know when the Rouen ducks changes color, so you will know if they are male or females? Mine are 10 weeks old and they are still brown with some white in the wings.
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