Recent content by humm-n-cluck ranch

  1. humm-n-cluck ranch

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    I will do my best! Thats where I grew up so its very familiar lol! Let me see if Knock kneed Hen will Join
  2. humm-n-cluck ranch

    Hello from sunny So.Cal.

    from San Diego!
  3. humm-n-cluck ranch

    scraggly 3-week olds... do you see more boys or girls?

    Man their colors are AMAZING!!! wow~
  4. humm-n-cluck ranch

    the lesson i learned today

    OMG you totally made my night!! it has been a rough one and that just made it all better! Thank you for sharing lol!!
  5. humm-n-cluck ranch

    Naming Chicks

    hehe well I let me 4 year old name all of mine, i have to say he did a really good job too. He cracked me up he was so specific abouy which one was which
  6. humm-n-cluck ranch

    Hello from California

    Cali Gal here too!!!
  7. humm-n-cluck ranch

    MPC orders shipping April 12th. CUTE PICS!!

    MOG they are too stinkin cute!! Well done Carpe! Good picking
  8. humm-n-cluck ranch

    Got My FIRST EGG today!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!

    woooooo hoooooo!!!!
  9. humm-n-cluck ranch

    UPDATED PIC HEAVY ** They are here at last!! My new chicks!

    carpe - they all look awesome!!! I am adding a 2nd brooder right next to the 1st because the gals are all getting too big to be in one, oh MAN do they grow fast!!! MareeZoCool - thank you! I love that he is so stinkin good with the animals, i dont know what I would do with a child who wasnt
  10. humm-n-cluck ranch

    MPC orders shipping April 12th. CUTE PICS!!

    I am loving these pics!! Congrats to all the new arrivals!!!
  11. humm-n-cluck ranch

    what and how many breeds do you at this time

    Wow i have a tiny flock compared to you guys! 11 total 1 SLW 1 GLW 1 Austrolorp 2 Dom's 2 EE's 2 OE's 2 Red Stars That is it
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