Recent content by inmillity

  1. inmillity

    Baby chick seems healthy but closing eyes and chirping?

    I wish I could but it's past midnight where I am (Europe) and I have neither of those things. Tried more sugar water but either she's sleepy or fading because she's cheeping less and I think perhaps a little weaker. I don't know what else to do... Hot water bottle?
  2. inmillity

    Baby chick seems healthy but closing eyes and chirping?

    Hi all, although I've had chickens for four years I've never actually raised chicks in a brooder until now. A couple of days ago I tried to put some three day-old chicks under a broody hen but she wasn't having it! The four chicks were chilled and in shock so I warmed them up and they recovered...
  3. inmillity

    Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

    thanks Vehve, I'll check it out. I had to laugh at ''proper BYC addiction''
  4. inmillity

    Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

    This thread has obviously quietened down a lot over the past year, but I still wanted to drop in and say that reading it took me a couple of days, and it was better then any book. I've been a lurker on BYC for over a year lol but finally 'took the plunge' and made an account. Hope all the...
  5. inmillity

    Introducing myself and our chicken/duck journey in a year -- photo heavy!

    Hello! I've actually been on BYC for about a year, but only decided to create an account... 45 minutes ago. I figured it was about time that I participated in some of the threads I've spent hours reading! I (I being a seventeen year old girl) and my family have always wanted chickens, so when we...
  6. Default


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