Recent content by Isopallii

  1. I

    My chicken ate aluminum foil

    I dropped a piece of aluminum foil on the ground for my chickens to play with and I just seen one just swallow it. I grabbed her and opened her mouth but I didnt see any part of it at all. I am greatly worried and need to get expert advice. I would say that piece was about as big as my...
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    Review by 'Isopallii' in article 'Table Scraps and Leftovers for Chickens'

    I have fed my chickens cooked white hominy as a treat and when I do they grab it and run as fast as then can. lol They do not like scrambled eggs at all
  3. I

    Are your chicks always pecking at you?

    I am always sticking my arm inside my chicks brooder to pet them or check on things and they always run over to me to see whats new for them. Every time I stick my arm in, they proceed to peck at my hand and arm and I just figured out why they are doing this. THEY are pecking at my FRECKLES! LMAO
  4. I

    Shakes head when I talk

    This is funny. It made me think of that meme from the office, NO GOD please no, nooo, noooo lol But, my chickens do it too which is why I am here to see why lol
  5. I

    I rambo-ed an enormous bald eagle attacking one of my babies

    omg, This story made my eyes water a bit.
  6. I

    Eagle live streams

    Poor Jackie, I feel so bad for her. She is one of the most dedicated Eagle moms I have ever seen.
  7. I

    Eagle live streams

    Does anyone watch any of the live streams for Southwest Florida Eagle Cam or the very famous Jackie and Shadow over at Big Bear Bald Eagle? Jackie has been brooding for days in the snow now. Anyone else interested in Eagles that lay eggs and hatch eaglet babies?
  8. I

    Do my chickens know they did something wrong?

    Well, it wasn't so much a yell but a stern voice.
  9. I

    Do my chickens know they did something wrong?

    This morning one of my chicks pecked me in the eye and I immediately put them all back in their mini coop to go check my eye. It did no damage but, was a little bloodshot and irritated. ever since that happened my chicks have been very quiet and just sitting under their heating plate. They...
  10. I

    Pecked in the eye by a chicken??

    I am a new chicken Mama and I just got indoctrinated by my flock of four by the ole' "peck in the eye" move. I do not see any blood but, it is a bit irritated. So, I learned my lesson and I am sure there are many more to come. lol EDIT: I looked at my eyeball and the white part has become...
  11. I

    Is it possible or is it just anxiety

    Yes, I got a Amazon gift card for Christmas and used it to buy fertile eggs. I ordered 6 for about $20 and received 8. Two were not fertile, two didn't make it and the last 4 had to be c-sectioned so to speak. ☺️
  12. I

    Is it possible or is it just anxiety

    Can you tell just by looking at them what kind of chicken they are? I bought them from Amazon as a backyard mix. I ordered 6 but received 8 and two didnt make it. If I would have followed the rules of chicken hatching and not my gut feeling then these would not have made it either. So glad I...
  13. I

    Is it possible or is it just anxiety

    So, cute I can see the personality in her eyes :)
  14. I

    Is it possible or is it just anxiety

    This is my first hatch, yes. I dont think none of them are roosters though. I will upload a picture of the one in question. The white one in the back is the bigger of them all and seems to be the boss but, the white one in the front is the pacer. The black one in the front is the rebel and...
  15. I

    Is it possible or is it just anxiety

    I have 4, four week old baby chicks and there is one that will pace up and down the brooder while looking at me. I give them a lot of attention as much as I can and when I do, the one that paces will jump on my hand and climb up my arm. I will hang some fodder inside from my hand while they...
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