Recent content by ItsChicky

  1. I

    Solo Processing

    This was the fastest/easiest solo processing i've done so far! Dispatched 14 birds in 50 minutes. Took an hour break to warm up inside while I prepped the water buckets and cooler. A total of 90 minutes to part out the birds and clean up. The meat was cold when I worked with it and there were...
  2. I

    Solo Processing

    I spent the morning waiting for it to warm up (to a balmy 18F 🥶), and read about wild duck hunting and processing while I waited. Based off of my limited education from a brief google search, I've decided to try to dispatch more chickens at a time and see how that goes. I'll share the results...
  3. I

    Solo Processing

    Yes! So I process birds differently depending on breed, final cooking goal, and if I have help or not on that particular day. I focus on dual-purpose poultry, with an emphasis on improving the "table qualities" of the birds I work with. Currently, I have a bunch of cockerels from my late...
  4. I

    Solo Processing

    Good Morning! I've been processing my excess cockerels myself all year (100s), but I have a rather large amount (16) that i'd like to get done TODAY if possible. My usual process for solo processing is about this: -Dispatch 3-4 birds -Skin -Then part out without gutting -Into the ice bath...
  5. I

    Crop Impaction & Infection

    Thank you, and thank you to everyone else as well. I've bookmarked all of the articles and threads shared with me so I'll be able to treat crop problems more efficiently in the future. We deal with physical injuries around here more often than illnesses, so sometimes I feel woefully under...
  6. I

    Crop Impaction & Infection

    Final Update She opted to sleep on the floor of her med crate last night. She passed peacefully in her sleep at some point overnight.
  7. I

    Crop Impaction & Infection

    Morning Update: I'll snag a poo picture before I leave for work, but she only had 1-2 small BMs last night, so not a ton of manure. On the small plus side, it was "normal" droppings and no green! I attempted tube feeding for the first time this morning after vomiting her and it is soooo much...
  8. I

    Crop Impaction & Infection

    I just finished following the sour crop instructions and gave her a dose of docusate an hour before the Miconazole as well. I'm going to let her rest overnight and continue treatment in the morning. Normal soaked food is in there and I found some normal poultry grit, so she has a small amount...
  9. I

    Crop Impaction & Infection

    Thank you! Both of those threads are new to me so that was super helpful! The first one you shared helped fill in a lot of blanks, thank you! Small side update. I picked up the 2% Miconazole so I'm going to begin that treatment tonight. I'm going to review all the info again and come up with...
  10. I

    Crop Impaction & Infection

    Poo Pics as requested: For simplicity, picture 1 is an example of what she passed overnight Sunday and Monday night. She mixed her bedding up for the first time so I don't have quantity examples, but she had semi normal volume under her roosting spot the following mornings. Only other...
  11. I

    Crop Impaction & Infection

    I'm hoping to pick up Miconazole today (so she'll get first dose tonight after I get out of work). I'm kicking myself because I thought about ordering the Acidified Copper Sulfate a few weeks ago to have on hand for emergencies, but didn't end up doing it. I'll be putting in an order with that...
  12. I

    Crop Impaction & Infection

    For 3 days she consumed no food while I tried to reduce her crop size. Day 4 was when I began feeding her frozen pieces of coconut oil. I believe it was day 5 (or just after) that I started offering her yogurt with coconut oil sprinkled on top to start to get more nutrients into her. Day 7...
  13. I

    Crop Impaction & Infection

    For dinner I gave her a mix of yogurt, apple sauce, oils (olive, sunflower, and coconut), chick grit, some grain, and some dried oregano. No meds tonight in hopes I here back from someone on the best way to move forward in that area. I did remove the remaining food and water in her crate to...
  14. I

    Crop Impaction & Infection

    Thank you! If there's any specific medication that may be needed, my dog's vet may be willing to write an Rx for it, but I don't have access to any vet that would actually treat a chicken.
  15. I

    Crop Impaction & Infection

    Small update She is still alive. The past few days she seemed to be getting worse. I withdrew treatment, gave her some normal feed with yogurt, and tried to let her have a normal "last day". She ended up getting strong enough that I delayed it a day, then another. Last night she passed normal...
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