Recent content by ItsWolfeh

  1. ItsWolfeh

    Review by '' on item 'Naked Neck-turken'

    These chickens are big, bad, and delicious! We bought two from our local hatchery and unfortunately slaughtered the rooster, though he was incredibly delicious, our hatchery is having problems getting more in this year! He had a generous amount of meat on him, it was juicy and flavorful, and I...
  2. ItsWolfeh

    Review by '' on item 'Ameraucana'

    We have 3 Ameraucana's, one white and two black penciled. The white one has become quite the brooder, but she isn't a mean brooder (I have had hens peck me and hold my skin in their beak until I remove my hand from the nest!) and of the two black ones, one is very very friendly, she will follow...
  3. ItsWolfeh

    Naughty little owl!

    The game bird netting? The pen is wider than 12', so I would need the netting that is almost $200... Anything for less than $100? Now that I know what I'm looking for, I'm thinking about this, it has good reviews and a good price (even better on ebay, no $20 shipping).
  4. ItsWolfeh

    Naughty little owl!

    I might be able to do netting. What kind of netting do you recommend then, and where would I be able to find it?
  5. ItsWolfeh

    Naughty little owl!

    This little bugger tried to take off with a rabbit kit months ago (out of the nest box in the cage, believe it or not!) and now apparently it wants the chickens! I went out to check on my goat who will be kidding soon and I heard this very loud and deep hooting, then squawking from the chickens...
  6. ItsWolfeh

    Eyes opening during slaughter? GRAPHIC

    Whew that makes me relieved then... Though it is still unsettling at the same time, a dead chicken randomly staring at you because the nervous system is still firing, bleh. If it crowed I think I'd start splashing holy water on it. Thanks guys (and gals), with my next roo I'll cut the head off...
  7. ItsWolfeh

    Eyes opening during slaughter? GRAPHIC

    I slaughtered my first roo a few days ago and tried slitting the jugular first but found my knife wasn't sharp enough and opted for wringing the neck. I pulled until I felt the head disconnect from the spine but when it did the chicken opened its eyes and then closed them again, then when I was...
  8. ItsWolfeh

    Pecked in the eye by a chicken??

    I was pecked in the sclera just now by a turken pullet, stings like crazy, but this thread makes me feel a lot less stupid, lol. I knew chickens were attracted to shiny things but didn't know our eyeballs were included! She was curiously looking at my eyeball while hanging out on my knee, I...
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