Recent content by jacyjones

  1. jacyjones

    Still having problems getting chicks back into coop at night

    I think keeping them in is the best way to sort your problem. It should only take 2 or 3 days and then they will know their routine. We had some new chickens that would want to roost in a tree every evening and we had to pick them out of it and put the in the shed!! Ended up we had to clip their...
  2. jacyjones

    New duck mamma questions..added pic to help ID

    I have always had ducks in pairs or threes and I think they really need the ducky company. They talk to each other all the time and seem to feel safe when they are together. I have had disasters when I have lost ducks to foxes and have had one left on its own and it is always very lonely. It...
  3. jacyjones

    Chickens and dogs

    I have 2 spaniels and the young one is only now trustworthy with the flock and she is just turned 3. It has taken firm training and patience. I do not take her in the field when they are free ranging although my husband does. She is a fully trained working gun dog but went through a very bad...
  4. jacyjones

    Bumblefoot on my chicken? HELP!

    I have never had this myself but did a quick search on this site and came up with this If you search yourself you should get the help you need - good luck!
  5. jacyjones

    All NEW to me

    I would think you can't go wrong as long as they have adlib food,water and grit. They will eat and grow at their own rate!!
  6. jacyjones

    Chicken Limping.....Im such a Idiot.. :(

    Accidents happen - I have lost quite a few of my chickens, including 2 I reared, to our younger spaniel. She is now pretty trustable around them but you can never know for sure. It sounds like a bit of bruising and you will probably find the limping chicken will recover well. Just keep an eye on...
  7. jacyjones

    Back after a long break!!

    Thanks, guys, it is good to be back and reading all that is going on in the chicken world
  8. jacyjones

    good ducks for people with close neighbors

    I have campbells and they talk to each other and quack at me when I go to feed them but otherwise are pretty quiet. If one gets separated when they are free ranging then it will call for the others but then when they are together again then all is quiet.
  9. jacyjones

    Back after a long break!!

    I have not been on the forum for many months now - no real reason just very busy and lots been going on. I hope to get on here most days now so just wanted to say hi to everyone and just wondering if any of the old gang I used to speak to are still on here. I am still in touch with my dear...
  10. jacyjones

    Does this mean she's going to lay soon?

    Mine both lay and sleep in their boxes. It is usually when the chicken squats for you that she is about to start laying
  11. jacyjones

    England UK

    Used to be on here a lot but have had a break. I am from Aberystwyth, Mid Wales and have had good advice and made a good friend in America on this forum
  12. jacyjones

    This Coop is Turning into a Behemoth! **UPDATED pics on pg7**

    I agree with all the others - that is amazing and way too grand for chickens!! What rent will you charge? - I would love a holiday in there!!!
  13. jacyjones

    first time duck mama (pics!)

    Very cute - ducks are adorable when babies or adults aren't they?
  14. jacyjones

    Introducing myself

    from Wales, UK x
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