Recent content by jailerjoe

  1. jailerjoe

    Soffit or not? Another ventilation question.

    I did not put up soffit. The winter before last it was pretty brutal and try as I might I couldn't keep the humidity down to the point that the chickens didn't get frostbite on their combs and wattles. I had plenty of ventilation (Half th space between each roof jouists were left open). That...
  2. jailerjoe

    Review by '' on item 'Appenzeller Spitzhauben'

    In my flock of 41 (3 roosters and 38 hens) my pair of Spitzhaubens are my favorites by far. My rooster Hans rules the roost including my two light brahma roosters but he's gentle and friendly with me and my family. He's never aggressive with us and will walk over and let me pick him up and carry...
  3. jailerjoe


    So sorry Bogtown Chick. :-(
  4. jailerjoe


    You are correct: Spitzhauben. Nice chicken too.
  5. jailerjoe


    Check out the fro on this girl!
  6. jailerjoe


    No medicine. I don't think there is anything they can give them. If the test is positive I expect they would just make me cull them. My birds are confined to the coop and run and they didn't tell us to do anything else. If our property wasn't listed they'd be free ranging most of the time but...
  7. jailerjoe


    No we're quarantined for 30 days. Can't take litter, eggs or chickens off my property for 30 days. The only thing they left was a carbon copy of the quarantine notice. I'm eating eggs like crazy and I am going to try freezing them. Maybe even dehydrating.
  8. jailerjoe


    With all the outbreaks and as many backyard flocks there are I'm pretty sure they're (the state) is using volunteers or at least not regular state employees. I'm actually in St. Cloud for a conference so wasn't there when they showed up. My wife, who's been home for a week with the flu, actually...
  9. jailerjoe


    Ugh... I've been quarantined for 30 days. A couple guys showed up yesterday in hazmat garb and tested my chickens because we're within 6 miles or something of an outbreak. Not sure but it might be the Jenny-o turkey barns by Menahga? The good news is the guys said we don't have it but the...
  10. jailerjoe


    How about a slow mo chick flick instead?
  11. jailerjoe


    Good luck with the polish. Sounds like it might be a pretty interesting looking chicken. Sounds like you had a bad shippment in February? My order that arrived last week didn't have a heat pack either. The weird thing though is that only the light brahmas and German Spitzhaubens got pasty...
  12. jailerjoe


    I use it in my older chickens but wasn't sure if that would be ok for brand new chicks. I'll put some in ASAP. Thanks!
  13. jailerjoe


    Did your DH get called out last Saturday? There was a big fire South of Akeley and I know a bunch of departments and the DNR were out there for quite a while.
  14. jailerjoe


    Ugh. Just got done depoopifying about half my new chick's butts. :( I noticed some breeds were worse than others. Is pasty butt more likely with some breeds more than others?
  15. jailerjoe


    I wouldn't put them with the older hens. Last year was my first year with chicks as well. When they'd feathered out, out grew the brooder and were ready to go into their new coop I kept them in there for two weeks before I let them out at all. It worked out well because I hadn't built a run...
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