Recent content by Jaime84

  1. Jaime84

    Can anyone help me in the treatment of this

    Can anyone help me with identification of what this might be. I have been to the vet multiple times..bloods normal except elevated protein (he said maybe caused by inflammation). Have treated possible viral and bacterial infection with no result. Scrapings came back fine isn't filled with...
  2. Jaime84

    Ongoing chesty cough

    What antibiotics would you think they would recommend? Honestly I have had no luck with vets and my chickens. They seem to just take a stab in the dark and charge you the earth
  3. Jaime84

    Ongoing chesty cough

    It doesn't upload I am sorry. Plus it isn't showing anything that you could diagnose
  4. Jaime84

    Ongoing chesty cough

    What would I do for this then. If she has an aspiration would I need to get her antibiotics to cover bacterial infection?
  5. Jaime84

    Ongoing chesty cough

    Thanks for your reply. The aerosol stuff is F10 disinfectant prescribed by the vet. Crop seems to be emptying fine. If it wasn't, would that create a cough?
  6. Jaime84

    Ongoing chesty cough

    The aerosol stuff is F10 disinfectant that was prescribed by the vet. The crop seems to be emptying overnight. If it doesn't would that create a cough?
  7. Jaime84

    Ongoing chesty cough

    So I saved this wee girl from a chicken farm that was going out of business along with 14 of her other mates. She had a chesty cough from the get go. It had been super wet the previous week so was thinking it was most likely fungal. Isolated her from the others and gave her vitamins crushed in...
  8. Jaime84

    Please help!

    This is her poop
  9. Jaime84

    Please help!

    Thanks so much for the reply. Have checked them all for mites again and I did retreat them all. Cleaned the coop etc. When she stands her tail is up. Not sure if she is stretching or maintaining her balance. I mean she is lethargic so she could be unbalanced. Her crop is usually empty as she...
  10. Jaime84

    Please help!

    This is Chickadee. Just over a month ago I noticed he just sitting down in the coop. Not really doing much, abit lethargic. Still eating and drinking but had lost weight. I separated her from the flock and hand fed and watered etc. She did have mites at the time so treated her for that and the...
  11. Jaime84

    Transitioning from roofed to roofless run

    Why Why are they wanting you to get rid of the chickens?
  12. Jaime84

    Just planted some greenery in my coop area

    Hey guys! Just planted some greenery in my coop area to try create a cooler area during the summer months for shade. Wondering what would be safe to surround the plants in terms of mulch knowing that the chickens will scratch around in there. In order to keep the plants hydrated in the hot and...
  13. Jaime84

    Hen or Rooster

    Hahaha hilarious. I should have said Australia
  14. Jaime84

    Hen or Rooster

  15. Jaime84

    Hen or Rooster

    That's amazing :) I can't keep him obviously but he has a beautiful nature. Likes a cuddle. Can't wait to live back in the country so I can have a rooster. They are beautiful. Where are you?
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