Recent content by Janiecoke

  1. Janiecoke

    Showing Silkies question....

    I've a pair of beautiful buff. A Partridge too and his white hens. Getting a breeding pair of Paint this next week and I am thrilled.
  2. Janiecoke

    Price of EGGS

    I get 2.00 or 2.25 a doz in rural Ms. It helps with my feed costs.
  3. Janiecoke

    Free Range during the day?

    Will turkeys put themselves back in the coop like chickens at night?
  4. Janiecoke

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    I keep the Dominique as well as the Delaware all the time and a good friend keeps the RIR. The Delaware is not the best layer but a very striking bird to look at. I have several pure breeds.
  5. Janiecoke

    List of Silkie Breeders

    Any Any in NE Mississippi.
  6. Janiecoke

    Comment by 'Janiecoke' in article 'Coke Creek Farm Glen, Ms'

    :D Rural Ms is the place to be. :D Farm livin is the life fo me :D
  7. Janiecoke

    Dominecker or BarredRock

    Your boy is a barred rock. Many people dont know that there is a difference and its is the comb. I have the dominque and have been looking for more but people keep trying to get me to purchase the Barred saying they are Doms. Hes really purdy.
  8. Janiecoke

    Old rural Ms farmer.

    Old Lady Farmer :)
  9. Janiecoke

    I am now the proud owner of a pair of Bronze and a pair of Royal Palm's :)

    Well the birds had to come to work with me today and are in my truck in a pen with Windy's salads and water. People might think they are crazy with all the noise. Will take pictures I cross my heart, and my FB is covered with pictures.
  10. Janiecoke

    I am now the proud owner of a pair of Bronze and a pair of Royal Palm's :)

    Can we say thrilled? YES we can!
  11. Janiecoke

    I got Bronze turkeys! Its about time!

    Well I have a pair of bronze turkeys! Not the ones I was to get but I have some non the less. I want Sweetgrass as well! Know anyone that has them?
  12. Janiecoke

    M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

    There are several as well as Savannah Tn Chicken Swap. Im a likin it.
  13. Janiecoke

    M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

    Hey hey I know who you are I think. Crump? TY. Will keep you in mind. What kind?
  14. Janiecoke

    Turkeys For 2013

    Well that's gross but very interesting.
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