Recent content by Jaymez

  1. J

    Flock not looking too good this winter

    Hello, so I've notice that this late fall/winter my flock hasn't been looking too good. I've had one hen die randomly, looking back I think maybe she got a vitamin deficiency some how but I'm not 100%. I'm worried for my flock because I've noticed some things that could be related to a harsh...
  2. J

    Animal dug into coop, left shells ate egg insides

    Unfortunately I didn't grab any pictures but there weren't any scratch marks anywhere just a small shallowish hole about the size of at most a raccoon.
  3. J

    Animal dug into coop, left shells ate egg insides

    Unfortunately I didn't grab pictures, but I would say the hole is big enough a raccoon at most, as for the eggs it looked liked the animal cracked part of them or half of them then just ate the insides. The tracks it left weren't distinguishable unfortunately.
  4. J

    Animal dug into coop, left shells ate egg insides

    Hello, I was wondering if someone could help figure out what animal may have done this. So this morning I go out to my chicken coop like normal but I notice a hole in the ground. They way my coop is built is the inside of the coop where the chickens go in and get locked in at night is in the...
  5. J

    Unusual Hip, Crooked Tail.

    Hi, I was wondering if you could give an update on this hen? I currently have a teen chicken that I've noticed this same problem. Her tail is a bit crooked and one hip is higher just like your hen. I'm worried how it may effect her as she ages and if there's anything I can do.
  6. J

    Chicks with coccidiosis, dosage, info?

    Would you know the dosage to give the one chick who I don't believe is eating or drinking? I believe I should give it about .06 ml but I want to be sure. Also should I dose my main flock as well? I've heard it's very contagious but I couldn't find an answer to just how contagious.
  7. J

    Chicks with coccidiosis, dosage, info?

    It's the liquid formula that comes in a bottle.
  8. J

    Chicks with coccidiosis, dosage, info?

    Today I noticed one of my chicks was droopy, they were ruffled up with a downward tail. I'm guessing it has coccidiosis as someone told me that what their symptoms sound like. I was wondering what the exact dosage for corid liquid bottle preferably in teaspoons/tablespoons would be for 1.5...
  9. J

    Chick is puffed up with droopy tail

    I will try and pick some up immediately. I haven't has any chicks die yet and all the others seem perfectly fine. Is the corid a water treatment or injection? I would prefer a water treatment but if I must I could try injection. Also if it turns out that's not the problem could it hurt the...
  10. J

    Chick is puffed up with droopy tail

    I have a blue laced red wyandotte chick being raised with 4 siblings by my silkie hen. Today when I went to give them a little lettuce to try I noticed this chick was a bit puffed up and it had its tail pointed down. It seems healthy, it can walk and flap, vent seems clear but it just seems off...
  11. J

    Cat/s with uti

    We are still working on it and we are trying a medicine. The only odd thing is that other than the pretty litter I haven't seen any of my cats showing behavioral signs at all.
  12. J

    Cat/s with uti

    Hi, so awhile back I switched to pretty litter and found that one possibility more of my cats have a uti. First I tried at home remedies hoping the uti just started and I could get rid of it at home but that's not the case. Just today I also found a drip and small puddle of urine outside the...
  13. J

    Bumble foot? Mites? Lice?

    Hi, thank you and sorry about that. Originally I had the first one about her limping, but made the one about the bugs and Bumble for extra help on what to do. I also didn't mean to make two of these threads and I'm not sure how it happened. I wrote the first one and added images then uploaded...
  14. J

    Bumble foot? Mites? Lice?

    Hi, I just replied to the thread with the photos. Sorry about that they must of not uploaded right the first time.
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