Recent content by jbake

  1. jbake

    Crossbeak cleanliness

    I tried the bowl chest high but the power to get a bite for her comes from slamming her face in the food she gets disinterested if I hold the bowl. I stopped making her food soupy and wet because she inhaled the water mixture and got an upper respiratory infection. It is just the top of her head...
  2. jbake

    Crossbeak cleanliness

    I've seen the way she feeds crossely and my bird can't be syringe fed like that every time I try she chokes no matter how I do it slow fast on the right side or left side she ends up choking and spitting it out everywhere but I will hit her up and see if she has any ideas thank you!
  3. jbake

    Crossbeak cleanliness

    I have this 2 month old about cross beak pullet and I've solved the not eating issue my big problem now is cleanliness after meals. This chick eats mush and I put things like veggies, some chicken food, and mackerel all mixed with water. The food gets so dry and caked on so quick while she's...
  4. jbake

    Tube feeding

    Hey there peeps. I need help on figuring out what feeding tube catheter size I need for my severely cross beaked chick. Its a month old about and looks to be an Easter egger. I think from the opening of its mouth to the gullet its maybe 5 inches unless I'm way off his neck just seems longer than...
  5. jbake

    Cross beaked chick with poor respitory health

    I notice he mostly gets it stuck on the top part then takes his toes and scratches it out. He's constantly hungry and eats alot for a baby I would think. But yes if I feed him a full crop at night in the morning he wakes up crying because he's hungry. Yeah I thought about him aspirating his food...
  6. jbake

    Cross beaked chick with poor respitory health

    I gave him a syringe and a half of vitamins, electrolytes, and oregano oil. I hope he pulls through I never noticed how bad it got because he's constantly moving and peeping but its when he's not and i lay down with him I hear him wheezing and the chest rattling.
  7. jbake

    Cross beaked chick with poor respitory health

    I was thinking it might be that but its more like clumpy than soupy. Once in a while its soupy.
  8. jbake

    Cross beaked chick with poor respitory health

    I can post a few pictures. He does eat on his own as long as the food bowl is deep and its the right consistency. No mucous from the nose or eyes but when he sneezes sometimes it flies out. He eats on his own so long as the bowl is deep and the food is the right consistency. I've had him for...
  9. jbake

    Cross beaked chick with poor respitory health

    Could it be that he's been breathing in the water from his food and aspirating on it?!
  10. jbake

    Cross beaked chick with poor respitory health

    Please help me I have recently aquired a cross beaked chick and he's now about a month old he's a americauna or Easter egger. Just starting this month and now going into fall and winter he's gotten really nasally sounding and very sneezing like he needs to blow his nose. I've been giving him...
  11. jbake

    Serama pullet or cockerel?

    I dont have a picture of her head or i would have posted it. This is all the person sent me her.
  12. jbake


    1 and 3 look like roos to me and 2 looks like a hen. I always look at the hackle and saddle feathers if they are pointy its male rounded means female. Though i could be wrong just a guess though.
  13. jbake

    Serama pullet or cockerel?

    Im going to be buying a serama pullet (i hope) tomorrow. The person said its a pullet shes a month old and im buying her to be with my rooster i have she has some growing to do before she goes in with him but i need to make sure im not wasting my time and money by accidently buying a rooster. Id...
  14. jbake

    Hen acting weird and depressed

    I have this 1 1/2 yr old rhode island red hen whom back in October i believe had beem egg bound so i was able to help her pass the egg and she immediatly seemed happy and better. After she passed the first egg which wasnt an egg morr like a crushed deformed slimy shell she started laying clumps...
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