Recent content by Jcorvin

  1. J

    Chicken falling backwards/loss of balance

    Eating, drinking. Backing ear into corner and pooping. Hasn’t laid an egg in about a week. I brought her inside away from the others a couple days ago. Very wobbly and no balance. I’ve tried eggs, poultry cell, nutridrench but she isn’t interested. Any ideas? She’s roughly 2 years
  2. J

    Silkie with runny stool

    I don’t see it anywhere in the coop, just on her butt. They eat purina layena crumbles. And dried meal worms every other day or so.
  3. J

    Silkie with runny stool

    My hen is almost year old. She’s had runny stool almost a week now and hasn’t laid an egg. Stool is brown and no blood but so runny and I’ve had to wash her twice. She normally lays one every other day. She she’s is eating and drinking. What should I give her at home without going to the vet?
  4. J

    What color chicks will I get?

    All of them crow but the small black one on the right. She is my hen and almost a year old. The rest are Roos and they are 5 months
  5. J

    What color chicks will I get?

    I recently discovered I have now have 3 roosters and 1 hen. She is black. The roosters are white, buff and another black and white. Just wondering what color chicks I may get?
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