Recent content by jdragonwings

  1. jdragonwings

    Alternative to sand for run?

    Thanks, that's very helpful. We've been adding the grass clippings, tons of oak leaves in the fall, pine shavings, garden scraps... but I love the idea dumping compost from the house in the run.
  2. jdragonwings


    That is the best; what awesome memories you're creating with your kids! And I hear ya, it's hard to motivate yourself in this cold. 🥶
  3. jdragonwings

    Alternative to sand for run?

    Wondering what exactly you do (or don't) add to the chicken run for composting? Also wondering if adding all the food attracts animals? That was my husband's big reason for not wanting to do this.
  4. jdragonwings

    Review by 'jdragonwings' in article 'Composting With Chickens'

    I really enjoyed this article. I have a few questions now :) I wanted to do this but my husband was concerned about other critters (skunks, coons, etc) getting into the scraps-we live in a neighborhood. Anyone that can weigh in on this? Also, what would (or wouldn't) you put in the compost if...
  5. jdragonwings


    I'm sorry; that is no fun.
  6. jdragonwings


    Yes I did see lots of pin feathers coming in, I'll keep an eye on her! And get the blu-kote
  7. jdragonwings


    Ok here is Caramel in all her greatness and you can see that she is missing feathers in her tail. I've noticed for a while that her tail was missing a few feathers, and assumed it was another chicken. I thought that was normal to a certain extent. Is there something I can do so she doesn't get...
  8. jdragonwings


    Perfect, thank you!
  9. jdragonwings


    No roos 12 total pullets; about 7 of those currently laying I don't know about mites ( I've been adding sulfur to their dust bath but it did get grass in it a few weeks ago so they haven't been using it lately-also not sure how much sulfur to add🤷.) I have 2 polish and this one is definitely at...
  10. jdragonwings


    I haven't been on in a while... Happy fall y'all!! I have a few questions, I have a 6.5 month Easter egger that has laid one blue egg- but she laid it a month ago and hasn't laid again. She is acting fine, does that happen sometimes? Also I have a Gold laced polish that is getting picked on. I...
  11. jdragonwings

    Deep Litter Method Ventilation Question

    Oh my gosh! I spent hour and hours trying to figure out how to cheaply cover my winter ventilation- this is the best idea ever!
  12. jdragonwings

    Battery Powered Interior Coop Lighting for Winter?

    I also found this light And this battery pack switch out each day BUT I can't figure out if there is any way to get...
  13. jdragonwings


    That is sooo tempting but my husband would kill me... I can't do it right now, buuut I want to... :D
  14. jdragonwings


    Why can't they be content??? Sometimes I think they are meant to drive us crazy :)
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