Recent content by jennajolynne

  1. jennajolynne

    Review by '' on item 'Faverolles'

    I like the looks of the salmon faverolle and it's great that they are friendly and my daughter can handle them, but the two I have keep going broody. It is fine if that's what you want them for but I need more eggs. They go broody but then get bored sitting on the eggs and go back to normal...
  2. jennajolynne

    Turkey Housing

    It all started about a month ago. A friend of mine visited some of their friends who knows this guy who every year gets bored with the animals he has collected and gives them away. To make a long story short, she came home with 5 guinea fowl and 3 red bourbon toms and gave me one of the toms. I...
  3. jennajolynne

    Turkey Housing

    This is helpful thank you! I have heard so many people say they won't go inside. I am thinking of just building them a tall perch or a lean-to with no sides, just a top and perches.
  4. jennajolynne

    Turkey Housing

    Hello all. I was wondering if you could show me some of your turkey "houses". I have heard turkey's don't care to be cooped so I was wondering what everyone uses in the winter to keep them protected? I live in upstate NY where it gets very cold in the winter and I don't really have any tree...
  5. jennajolynne

    Missing Hen(s)

    We have checked the neighbors yard but there is a large heavily wooded area across the road as well as a large tall grassy field.
  6. jennajolynne

    Missing Hen(s)

    No feathers in sight
  7. jennajolynne

    Missing Hen(s)

    So my red bourbon hens are fairly new, I have had them two weeks. We kept them in a separate hoop coop with our red bourbon tom we got for free about a month ago. After a week of caring for them we slowly started to let them out (supervised) for a few hours. The first day I went to my neighbors...
  8. jennajolynne

    EE pullet or Cockerel ?

    Looks like a roo to me
  9. jennajolynne

    Need some help sexing birds....

    The OE is 11 weeks
  10. jennajolynne

    Need some help sexing birds....

    I forgot to add the olive egger....
  11. jennajolynne

    Need some help sexing birds....

    I have two that are questionable. One is an olive egger, the other is supposedly a freedom ranger crossEd with a RIR. Thoughts?
  12. jennajolynne

    is 25$ a lot for a chicken?

    Honestly I think this is too much. The most I will pay is $10-$15. I have gotten burned a few times now too. I was sold a hen that didn't lay and a hen that was crippled that we ended up having to cull. Make sure you know what you are getting. It might be worth the wait to buy pullets and wait...
  13. jennajolynne

    Polish chicks

    I posted some pictures above.
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