Recent content by Jenniferaei

  1. J

    Should we get more?

    Ya, I have a bigger feeder and waterer in their outdoor pen which is 6 foot by 8 foot and they swim in their pool every other day. But they already are walking around in a swamp by the end of the night because they play in their water even with it so hard to play in lol. I have to completely...
  2. J

    Should we get more?

    Ok, I just found this video on you tube. My ducks all make the sound of his black male runner. None make the loud quack of his white female runner. Guess I have all boys since their voice is apparently not a real quack and they all have curly tails...
  3. J

    Should we get more?

    This is a video of the quaking sounds I hear. Thoughts?
  4. J

    Should we get more?

  5. J

    Should we get more?

    I will try to catch it on film. The quaking sounds are easy since they talk loud when I feed them, water them, change their bedding, etc lol. The coughing sound is more randomly made and harder to get on film, but I'll try.
  6. J

    Should we get more?

    Ya, they are super fun! We have never had birds before and are learning as we go. Glad we got runners :) here is a picture of our babies in their night time indoor brooder/pen. We have an outdoor pen that we planned on them being in full time by now, but their first night out something attacked...
  7. J

    Should we get more?

    All 3 make coughing sounds but then we randomly hear quacks too so...? Maybe have to wait to see if eggs start to drop haha
  8. J

    Should we get more?

    We got 3 runner ducks and all 3 look like they are all boys. What I mean is 2 of them have developed very distinct drake feathers and the third has one slightly curly tail feather so may be a boy too. We have read that having all boys can be ok but that if we have any girls while also having the...
  9. J

    Duck attacked by predator not sure how to bandage or medicate

    Update: Daffy is alive and well! She has grown back almost all of her feathers and although she sometimes has the effected wing slip down her side, she is able to keep it where she wants it most of the time so I don't think to much damage was done. She flaps and plays just like our other 2...
  10. J

    Duck attacked by predator not sure how to bandage or medicate

    She doesn't like her picture being taken but Daffy is doing much better! She did end up getting a small infection on day 3 so we did a couple more days of penicillin and it cleared up. The wound is closing remarkably fast and she is starting to act herself again. I have given her 2 salt water...
  11. J

    Duck attacked by predator not sure how to bandage or medicate

    Would it harm the duck to drink the salt water? Do we need to rinse off the duck after soaking it in salt water? I am thinking about letting her take a bath in a clean tub, I could make it a salt water bath. But the ducks use the water to clean their nostrils and eyes, would this hurt them...
  12. J

    Duck attacked by predator not sure how to bandage or medicate

    Daffy is eating a tiny bit which is better than nothing but is drinking almost a normal amount. She keeps trying to preen but the shirt I have on her keeps her from making contact with the wound. I have given her 2 doses of meloxocam (12 hours apart) and 2 doses of penicillin (24 hours apart)...
  13. J

    Duck attacked by predator not sure how to bandage or medicate

    Purchased Vetricyn and going to use it when we get home (driving there now). Also purchased some 0-3 month t-shirts with no decals to use to help keep the wound clean but open to air. And hopefully keep daffy from preening the area. Also got some neosporin without the added pain stuff so that we...
  14. J

    Duck attacked by predator not sure how to bandage or medicate

    We have meloxocam from a previous animal injury. I found dosing that was given by a vet for a duck almost the same weight on another forum post. Going to try that. Would hate to heal the wound but have Daffy die from pain/not eating and drinking
  15. J

    Duck attacked by predator not sure how to bandage or medicate

    No. The closest vet is almost 3 hours away and has a 2-3 week wait list for an appointment.
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