
When I was little I was scared of chickens, my cousin had told me the hens sometimes pecked when they would reach under them for eggs, and I didn't like the look of those beaks! In 2018 I moved back home and my mom's chickens wouldn't let me get close to pet them, and I decided I'd like a couple as pets. I ended up with seven. 2019 was a bit crazier as I discovered there are so many cool breeds! I told my mom we could get eight chickens, which meant we could each pick five...;) We ended up with ten ;);) (68). 2020 we did really well, until there was a there are chicks everywhere because, along with broodies every where, my mom also got me an incubator as a birthday present!

2020 we have: Gold Spangled Hamburg/EE mix, Black Australorp, easter eggers, Silver Spangled Hamburg, cochin bantams, something I thought was a cochin bantam when a baby, but am not sure anymore (she is silver penciled looks rather dark brahma- ish, but has single comb), Buff Orpington, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, French Black Copper Marans, Welsummer, Old English Game Bantams, Japanese bantams, d'Uccles, Dutch Bantams, Cochin Bantam Frizzles, Buff Polish, Gold Laced Polish, White Crested Black Polish, Blue Polish, Gold Seabright, Quail Belgian Bearded d'Anver Bantam, Sapphire Gem, Starlight Green Eggers, , Penedesenca, Olive eggers, Crested cream legbar, Penedesenca, Mosaic, Isbar, Blue Copper Marans, and lots and lots of Project birds. :)
Prescott Valley, AZ
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Have chickens, read the forum all the time, need to be able to post.
Chicken Tender. (Assembly is day job)



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    4 years older and wiser too? Congrats on 4 years with us!
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