
Hello my name is Rebecca, I am a mother of two children, two dogs, two cats, three goats, eight full grown hens, one full grown rooster, 17 chicks, six goslings, three ducklings, three turkey chicks, a tank full of fish, several hermit crabs, and soon to be one sow and a boarboar, and meat rabbits. I try to keep busy between homeschooling, homesteading Church, family, and friends. I hope to raise and produce all the meat, eggs, milk, fuirts, and vegetables my family needs. I am learning as I go I also bake. I want us to be completely self sufficient by the time I am 30. I am trying to learn to sew and knit. I am not very good at sewing and I yet to start knitting. I want to be able to teach my children to trust in God and how to take care of themselves, while being productive. I tend to be straight forward or blunt. I am married to a wonderful man. If you have any questions just ask.
Mar 25, 1991 (Age: 33)
Real Name
My Coop
My Coop



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