Recent content by Jhbear

  1. Jhbear

    Two ten week old Roos free in Ct.

    Sorry just found a home for them Saturday. They were really pretty birds, I was told they were ameracauna but I think they were easter eggers. I wish I could have kept them.
  2. Jhbear

    Easter egger or ameracaunas?

  3. Jhbear

    Can I put 8 week old chicks on layer mash?

    I found some starter/grower feed at a feed store in the next town. Thanks for the help.
  4. Jhbear

    Can I put 8 week old chicks on layer mash?

    My chicks are about 8 weeks old now so I went to my feed store to get grower mash and they told me their distributor stoped carrying it. He told me layer mash would be fine. Everything I read says layer mash is to high in calcium and doesn't have enough protein for growing chicks. What should I do?
  5. Jhbear

    HELP, I need to know my white leghorn's gender!

    My leghorn is the friendliest hen in my flock and she lays just about every day.
  6. Jhbear

    Blue americaunas?

    No beards, two have blackish legs one has yellow with specs of black.
  7. Jhbear

    HELP, I need to know my white leghorn's gender!

    Definitely a hen. Leghorns are awesome.
  8. Jhbear

    Blue americaunas?

    I think if you click on the picture you get a better view. I'm new at this stuff.
  9. Jhbear

    Blue americaunas?

    Not sure what breed these are. I was told blue and lavander americaunas but I'm not buying it. They are 4 weeks old. The whit one is some sort of leghorn mix I think.
  10. Jhbear

    Silkies eye looks weird

    No bubbles. It kind of looks like the eyelid is half way open and white scar tissue is holding it open. I can't find anything online that looks similar
  11. Jhbear

    Silkies eye looks weird

    I just added a photo. It's kind of blurry
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