Recent content by jilli67013w

  1. jilli67013w

    Loosing wing feathers - Can you help?

    the loss of feathers on the back of her neck look as though the Male Pekin ducks have been having their way with her. I had 4 Male Pekin ducks and they did that to the females. Finally gave 3 of the males away and now they look better.
  2. jilli67013w

    Bare duck wings

    I have the same issue with some of my ducks, I have 8 females and one male. Some of the females are fine but a couple have the same issue, bare wing feathers just look like skeletons for feathers. They get all flock for food, get to graze from 9 or 11 am till 8 pm. We have a pond and I ensure...
  3. jilli67013w

    Rooster attacked by dogs

    Sorry should have looked first found a place that we go to for food and they have it. Thanks will have to check it out.
  4. jilli67013w

    Rooster attacked by dogs

    Quote: Where can I get this from as I said no vets around that do anything for chickens. I read somewhere on another post about a spray on bandage, Do you think that would help?
  5. jilli67013w

    Rooster attacked by dogs

    We have an Americana Rooster who was attacked by dogs about 3 or 4 days ago. He is looking better than he did. His left wing was pretty much torn off. My boyfriend and I prefer not to mess with nature but I am extremely concerned. We have 4 hens and another rooster and didn't put the injured one...
  6. jilli67013w

    Raising Baby Chicks - Notable Topic Index - Please Review

    Thanks, wasn't sure, I have noticed that the hens take turns brooding, can you tell me if egg production will stop? The more I learn the better I will be. Thanks again.
  7. jilli67013w

    Raising Baby Chicks - Notable Topic Index - Please Review

    We are going to allow our hens to brood and raise the chicks. We have two roosters and 4 hens total, please advise if they would be accepted into the flock from very little or do they need to be separated? We have our old tractor we were going to use thinking this might be the case but need to...
  8. jilli67013w

    My first eggs! and 3 different colors. New Pictures added

    Those the only two hens you have? We have an americana and she lays blue green eggs looks like your two. We also have two Buff Orphingtons they lay brown/pinkish eggs.
  9. jilli67013w

    Egg Bound Hen?!?!?

    Watch her, I don't know too much about chickens and I keep learning but what I have seen in my own and reading on here seems as though she might not be I found this link particularly good reading on egg bound chickens. Seems to describe symptoms quite well. I have a young leghorn that seems to...
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