Recent content by Jlreay

  1. Jlreay

    Frozen Legs/Feet, When to Move Outside?

    I have a young Brahma roo. 5 days ago I found him in the run with his legs and feet frozen solid. We had really cold temps and he must’ve found the coldest spot and slept on the ground for this to happen. Anyways, I brought him inside expecting he wouldn’t make it or at least have frostbite, but...
  2. Jlreay

    Partridge/BBS Wyandotte 6 Weeks Old - Cockerels or Pullets?

    The rest look like pullets, I’m questioning these 3!
  3. Jlreay

    Shipped Wyandotte Eggs Hatch Experience

    I did see a lot of recommendations for not turning for a full 7 days, but I just couldn’t do that especially seeing studies that prove turning eggs = more successful hatching. I noticed with my second batch (that are still incubating) I followed the same process as above and it does seem like...
  4. Jlreay

    Shipped Wyandotte Eggs Hatch Experience

    Just wanted to share my recent experience hatching shipped Wyandotte eggs. I ordered 12 eggs that were sent via Canada Post in bubble wrap. The sender sent 18, two broke during shipment. I let them sit for 24hours pointy end down to help with the air sacs. After 24hours several still have...
  5. Jlreay

    Opinions - day 22

    Thanks for the reply! I did end up opening it and it was deceased. It had internally pipped, but had a severe cross-beak and was missing an eye, so probably for the best
  6. Jlreay

    Opinions - day 22

    To clarify, I don’t see any movement
  7. Jlreay

    Opinions - day 22

    It’s day 22. 6/7 have successfully hatched. I can’t hear anything, see movement and I did water candle, but no movement. Air sac looks ruptured?
  8. Jlreay

    Early Lockdown Question

    Today is day 17, can I put my eggs in lockdown half a day early? I won’t have time before work tomorrow or is it better to wait until later on day 18?
  9. Jlreay

    Large air cells?

    Okay great! That makes me feel a bit better. It’s been keeping humidity 45-50% and I’d be hesitant to go any higher
  10. Jlreay

    Large air cells?

    They were collected on the 13 & 14, I received them on the 17 and set them on the 18
  11. Jlreay

    Large air cells?

    These are shipped eggs. Most had wiggly air cells, none were completely detached, and these are the best looking ones, but I’m concerned the air cells are too large for day 11?
  12. Jlreay


    Yes she’s definitely a little lady! I’m still in denial either of the others are roosters until I see some definitive saddle feathers haha
  13. Jlreay


    I’ve been watching for some definitive saddle feathers, and maybe I’m just still holding out that he’ll be a pullet. He’s so pretty!
  14. Jlreay


    Over a month later, I’m still undecided:
  15. Jlreay


    I will for sure :)
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