Recent content by joe12pack

  1. joe12pack

    Bobcat wipes out my entire flock in 2 hours

    I'm just kidding. I am not mad at the cat. It's actually quite a majestic creature. The petsitter was not paid to do this and was doing me a favor so I guess I got what I paid for. When I start a new flock this spring I'll have to decide what my options are. Securing the entire run/coop fort...
  2. joe12pack

    Bobcat wipes out my entire flock in 2 hours

    LoL if you go to the end you can see this cat was literally 10 feet away from my bedroom window chilling out on a tree after having eaten one of my birds. I live in a residential area where the wilderness meets the city. If I discharged a shotgun I'd have my bay area neighbors calling the SWAT...
  3. joe12pack

    Bobcat wipes out my entire flock in 2 hours

    You know I have been thinking about getting a guard dog. What kind of dog is yours and what type of breed do you have that is irreplaceable?
  4. joe12pack

    Bobcat wipes out my entire flock in 2 hours

    Unfortunately I live in the SF Bay area where animals are more important than humans. The game warden will not issue me a permit to trap and just told me to secure my chickens better. Of course if that cat was crossing the street and my car somehow ended up putting tread marks on the back of it....
  5. joe12pack

    Bobcat wipes out my entire flock in 2 hours

    The chickensitter was a neighbor friend. He doesn't think he did anything wrong as he wasn't "aware" the coop had doors on the back of it. He said he would help me build a secure fence around the coop this spring so he will make up for this with providing some construction help. Just goes to...
  6. joe12pack

    Bobcat wipes out my entire flock in 2 hours

    The sitter said he didn't know the coop had doors on the back of it but this barn style door would have been obvious it was wide open when you approach the coop/run so it's a mystery to me also how that was overlooked for so many days. At the end of the day trusting someone else to take care of...
  7. joe12pack

    Bobcat wipes out my entire flock in 2 hours

    Long story.. but I was away on vacation for 3 weeks and had someone chicken-sit for me. One of the doors in the rear of the coop was some how opened by the chickens (probably one of the chickens fell off a perch and in trying to hang on put pressure on the door and popped the latch and opened...
  8. joe12pack

    Is this a Lynx?

    After watching more surveillance footage I put together a longer version with narration.
  9. joe12pack

    Is this a Lynx?

    my chickens are in a fenced in run but the top is not secure as it's quite a long run. I am going to have to come up with a solution soon. We've been not letting out the hens from their coop until later in the morning (~8:30am) and usually someone is here in the early evening (~6pm) but today...
  10. joe12pack

    Is this a Lynx?

    Crap - the bobcat walked right in front of me!
  11. joe12pack

    Is this a Lynx?

    Coyote came to visit. Bobcats, racoons and coyotes. Any other animal I need to worry about? What kind of damage do opossums do as I've seen a few of those too.
  12. joe12pack

    Is this a Lynx?

    thanks for everyone's input. So we've established the fact its a juvenile bobcat. Can bobcat's climb? I had a hole in the fence which was why it got in the first 8 times. But I've since patched it up. But now I'm wondering if this critter can climb hardware cloth fencing? Do I need to put a top...
  13. joe12pack

    Is this a Lynx?

    An animal has been waiting patiently for my electric coop door to open every morning (and a few times during sunset) and killing my hens. There may have been a hole in my run-fence. I installed surveillance cameras. I first thought it might be a raccoon that was killing my hens. But I caught...
  14. joe12pack

    WTB: 2 Female Goslings

    Looking to raise 2 female goslings are guard geese. Let me know if you have any. In northern california.
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