Recent content by jonalisa

  1. jonalisa

    How Do You Deal With Failure?

    You give yourself time to grieve, then forgive yourself, get up, dust yourself off and get back in the game.
  2. jonalisa

    Omega 3 feed and mixed flock

    Due to a recent diagnosis, I am looking into Purina Omega 3 feed. Eggs rich in Omega 3 are good neuroprotective food for the brain. Unfortunately, it says to only feed it to your layers. I have 8 old, non-layers so I'm not even sure how I could feed them separately. THOUGHTS?
  3. jonalisa

    Hen thought to have had MG, now lame in one leg (non-urgent question)

    Jezebel seems able to stand on that curled claw when I uncurl her toes. Any ideas for some way to attach a flat surface to the pad... Like a shoe she can wear during the day? I have foam, or can create something if anyone has an idea. I would like to at least try it, since the only issue seems...
  4. jonalisa

    Hen thought to have had MG, now lame in one leg (non-urgent question)

    Thank you so much. @Eggcessive ! Yes, Jezebel is a Buckeye, an endangered breed, and if I had to do it all over again, I would have 30 Jezebels. Thanks for the info on the Vitamin B complex and your concern and ongoing friendship. Thank you all on this thread for your much appreciated support...
  5. jonalisa

    Hen thought to have had MG, now lame in one leg (non-urgent question)

    As you can see, Jezebel's eye seems set back in the socket... It was closed when I found her, so I assumed she had been pecked. I treated the eye with terramycin ophthalmic ointment and saline. This is how it looked when it opened... It's hasn't changed. The other hen I mentioned is also 9 and...
  6. jonalisa

    Hen thought to have had MG, now lame in one leg (non-urgent question)

    Here are videos of Jezebel... I will try to get a video of the other girl
  7. jonalisa

    My first swollen crop issue

    Over the weekend I did crop massage about every hour to 90 min... In the morning the crop feels swollen like a thick liquid with feed crumbles that I can feel at the bottom. As the day goes on every time I massage it, it seems to reduce down to a feel of wet but loose sand. It's much smaller...
  8. jonalisa

    My first swollen crop issue

    She's pooping normally though?
  9. jonalisa

    Hen thought to have had MG, now lame in one leg (non-urgent question)

    My Buckeye, Jezebel, was brought inside between Thanksgiving and Christmas when I realized she was blind in one eye. Eye intact, although maybe sitting further back in socket. No foam or redness. I treated her and the flock for MG. Up to now, no obvious signs/symptoms in the flock of 15. (8...
  10. jonalisa

    My first swollen crop issue

    Ok, well this morning I am thinking this is an obstructed crop. I sprained my shoulder and can'thold her to syringe oil into crop, so I soaked cheerios in oil until mush and she ate that. Then I did crop massage and could feel not just the gravel-feel of the feed, but something larger - same...
  11. jonalisa

    My first swollen crop issue Video.... Hope this link works. Was too big to upload.
  12. jonalisa

    My first swollen crop issue

    Very labored breathing! Seems like slow suffocation? Anything I can do???: Edit: I am worried about putting a crop bra on her now as she is open-beak breathing.
  13. jonalisa

    My first swollen crop issue

    Hey all, I have her in my kitchen in a crate. I have tried everything. After multiple revisions, I had a workable crop bra using vet wrap and bubble wrap...but while she had less fluid in her crop in the morning (on the roost), her crop was still full and firm with a very firm/'packed' wet-sand...
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