Recent content by jonbanks

  1. jonbanks

    Red Roof Hens and Lonesome Pines farms cookout & hatching egg hunt,GA

    I might come if I'm not on duty. I want to get some new chickens. Any ideas?
  2. jonbanks

    I need the truth about chicken noise - ASAP

    You know explain to people next door that your getting the hens and that it. Tell them they enjoy dogs and you enjoy chickens. Eplain that your not upset but htat heir dog is loud and agressive and you dont complain and wont. tell them everything will be ok and do as you please
  3. jonbanks

    I need Advice. Hens butts and sides have been bald since april

    my wife has the camera but I have treated the coop and i have even put the seven dust in a sock and beat it on their butts .... I have vasalined their butts...sometimes i think i outta ring their necks and get a whole new flock. The young hens that i have that are not laying dont have this...
  4. jonbanks

    I need Advice. Hens butts and sides have been bald since april

    I have treated my hens coop with seven dusst... ive been rubbing vasaline on their butts and legs. They all have bald spots and little cuts and scraps on their bald butts. Well I have three hens that are fine but they came in a second batch. Anyway I have been treating them since...
  5. jonbanks

    how often do chickens molt?

    does anyone know how often they molt?
  6. jonbanks


    hey another person from hamilton. cool i like harris county alot
  7. jonbanks

    fertilized egg question

    i cracked open an egg yesterday and it had two white spots outside of the yoke. is that fertilized? i thought i have all hens. can you please help, lol
  8. jonbanks


    im jon right here in harris county georgia. if you have ever heard of pine mountain thats us or warm springs ga is right next to us. right outside of columbus georgia
  9. jonbanks


    ive read that some people have toys for their chickens. what kind of toys do chickens play with. how do they play
  10. jonbanks

    How do I protect my chickens from human predators?

    i dont go in anyones yard. a few states still let you protect your property with deadly force. i wouldnt shoot someone over a chicken but if your in my yard and not supposed to be there i would feel my family was in harms way and might end up with a wounded and possibly dead person in my yard...
  11. jonbanks

    My kid is freakin out what IS this?

    alaska huh. cold cold cold... i love it there i was stationed at ft greely in the late 90s and 2000. i was an army firefighter there . its near delta junction. beautiful!!!!!!!
  12. jonbanks

    My kid is freakin out what IS this?

    i dont know what it is. it looks like you had to look for it though. does it bother her? if it doesnt and she is in normal health i wouldnt worry. thats just me
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