Recent content by Joplus

  1. Joplus

    february hatch along

    I don't have a second incubator unfortunately. My ameraucana are yellow and grey. I think they are actually Easter Eggers. My freak hen is white with a beard and lays a rust colored egg (I think olive egger and white leghorns cross) and is bred to black polish. My middle channel is filled with...
  2. Joplus

    february hatch along

    Hi. I'm an old member. I hatch only about 4 hatches per year. Two in the fall and two in the spring. My last hatch was April 2017 because I skipped fall to have a baby. I set 35 eggs on Feb 7th and 6 more today Feb 12th to fill my incubator full. I am setting 20 ameraucana, 16 polish and 5...
  3. Joplus

    A Patagonian cavy. Sadly he passed away from a scorpion sting.

    A Patagonian cavy. Sadly he passed away from a scorpion sting.
  4. Joplus

    I brought in sick chickens to my flock?

    Update: I called U of A and they have suspended necropsies until mid September but referred me to Midwestern University which is closer anyway. I called and they charge $105 for exam, euthanasia and necropsy of 2 chickens. I could save $30 by culling myself but then it's done right and fresh...
  5. Joplus

    I brought in sick chickens to my flock?

    Well I pretty much hate myself but my sister told me you can't go there to yourself. I called her crying and she said she once brought in a stray puppy with parvo and got her senior dog sick and not to go there because it's not like someone intentionally would harm their beloved pets. It's hard...
  6. Joplus

    I brought in sick chickens to my flock?

    Thank you. I am heartbroken. I've hatched all these out from eggs. They are my babies.
  7. Joplus

    I brought in sick chickens to my flock?

    Ok thank you I will call them.
  8. Joplus

    I brought in sick chickens to my flock?

    I don't know. This post is just a downward spiral I doubt anyone can help me with. I was actually trying to sell off most of my flock because I'm overwhelmed. Basically I had like 50+ chickens after some overly successful hatches in April. I listed 6 rooster and a guy offered to trade for 2...
  9. Joplus


    This is a nightmare. I think it might be time to get rid of my flock I have roof rats and scorpions. It's totally out of control. I can't hardware cloth 1000 square foot chicken run. The problem is the massive amount of water needed to cool my flock. It gets up to 120℉ in the summer. Today was...
  10. Joplus

    Malpositioned? Hands on hatching help

    This tiny cutie was waiting for me this morning.
  11. Joplus

    Malpositioned? Hands on hatching help

    OK thanks. This has been a successful but weird hatch. Hopefully these vessels dry up eventually.
  12. Joplus

    Malpositioned? Hands on hatching help

    I've assisted plenty. Actually 2 this morning. I usually just chip away shell and put them back in and they finish themselves. I've gone too far in the past and there's unabsorbed yolk so I try to wait it out. This morning I chipped away the 3 chicks. There were some blood vessels on this one, I...
  13. Joplus

    I'm so sad. What did I do wrong? (Graphic pic)

    This happened to a bunch of mine, two hatches in a row. I got 20 out of 30 and 27 out of 35 so clearly I'm doing something right. But fully formed dead chicks just kills me. And this last batch I paid $40 for a dozen eggs which were picked up locally and added to my own eggs. Literally perfect...
  14. Joplus


    Thanks so much guys. I think I'll add the Silkies a couple days later. That's what I did when I put quail and chickens in the same hatch. I don't want anyone subjected to the wrong humidity
  15. Joplus


    The cold spot is about 97 and the rest is about 100. Are polish and Silkies considered bantam? I guess if they are that small then they'll be the same size as my pullet eggs. I want to get the hatch started this weekend all together so they are close in age to a hatch I have in lockdown right now.
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