Recent content by Jubbilee555

  1. J

    Mites or Molt

    I have attached some photos of my 9-month-old Japanese bantams. For the past two weeks 3 out of the 5 of them have bald patches on the back of their neck and/or under their neck and I'm not sure if the skin appears normal or possibly a little bit drier than usual? I'm unsure if this is a...
  2. J

    Buff or White cockerel?

    Newbie chicken owner here. I'd asked a theoretical question a couple of months ago about a golden buff cockerel mating with a white blacktail and what to expect... Japanese bantams, btw. My little guy is 8 weeks old now. Is he going to be white as an adult or golden/buff? Right now he's not...
  3. J

    Thoughts on my 8 week old Japanese Bantam?

    Thank you!😊 The mottled one is the sweetest of my bunch🥰 I have two other mottled pullets that are 3 months old. I absolutely love them! PS please ignore the oat bits everywhere on the floor😂 they had a treat and an outting
  4. J

    Thoughts on my 8 week old Japanese Bantam?

    My little jap bantams are 8 weeks old. The black one has a slightly larger comb than the other two I have (not pictured) but it's not bright red and no waddle development. Is this a female or a late developing male? Photo of its "brother" hatched hours apart, same breed and quite obviously a...
  5. J

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Does anyone have any "glow up/grow up" pics of their Japs? Day old, One month, Two month, Six months old etc and so on? I'm curious about colours as they grow, which sex they ended up being, etc. Thanks! These are 2 of my babies, 6 weeks old now❤️
  6. J

    Banty color/genetic question

    I've seen that calculator but I have no idea how to use it, makes my head spin looking at it. Thank you, though.
  7. J

    Banty color/genetic question

    Japanese Bantams Two cockerels: one black mottled, one buff black tail. What are the chicks likely to look like if they mate with a white blacktail, in each scenario. Do they take on the cockerel's traits?
  8. J

    Lock Down Question - Japanese Bantams

    Yes😊 I locked down on day 17.5 and 2 out of 3 hatched on day 19.5. It's been a little over 24hrs since the first two hatched so I'm hoping the 3rd will follow soon!
  9. J

    Lock Down Question - Japanese Bantams

    Hi, I just got an ID, from one of you lovely people, of the chicken eggs I'm in the process of incubating (first timer here!). I have Japanese Bantams. What day should I locked down the incubator? I am on day 13. I was planning on locking down at day 18 as I read is typical but I have also...
  10. J

    First time hatching, what kind of chickens are these?

    Hi, I'm hatching for the first time, on day 13. What kind of chickens are these that I got the eggs from? Thanks! Note, my 7yr old with them, for size reference.
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