Recent content by Julic

  1. Julic

    coop bedding- what do you prefer??

    I too use sand inside my coop. I have used it for at least 6 months and love how easy it it. When starting with the sand, I had several inches of it. After doing a deep clean after about 5 months, I added fresh sand but left it a thin layer. It is almost just enough to keep the poop from...
  2. Julic

    The Best Layer

    I can recommend Golden Comets too. My RIR is a great layer also.
  3. Julic

    Leg Problems Possible Achilles Tendon or Femur Problems?

    My Pioneer has something wrong with her leg. As a chick she grew so fast and her legs/feet were so big that she used to step on her other foot. As she got older she continued to step on her own feet but I never noticed a serious turning out of her hock until a few months ago. She would turn her...
  4. Julic

    Comment by 'Julic' in item 'Sussex'

    I got 2 Speckled Sussex chicks about 3 weeks ago and I have fallen in love with one of them. My brooder has walls that are about 3 ft high. When I stand by it or lean down to talk to the chicks, she stretches her neck up high and will jump straight up in the air while looking at me. I will...
  5. Julic

    Updated Pictures of Dixie Rainbows

    At McMurray. They advertise them as Pioneer but they are the same thing as Dixie Rainbow from what I have researched. I am looking forward to seeing how big the eggs are. My biggest egg layer right now is actually a Dominique. Hers are so large I cannot close the egg carton. :-)
  6. Julic

    Updated Pictures of Dixie Rainbows

    I believe thanks to the help from some wise people on this website, that what I have is a Dixie Rainbow. It is the only thing that makes sense. It was a free rare exotic chick from the hatchery. After many weeks of asking and posting pictures, the Dixie is the only breed that makes sense for the...
  7. Julic

    Dixie Rainbows? Rainbow Dixies Whatever they are...

    Here is a picture of my chick at 7 weeks with a GL Wyandotte that is 2 weeks older. You can see the size comparison.
  8. Julic

    Dixie Rainbows? Rainbow Dixies Whatever they are...

    I have a chick that was added to one of my shipments as a "free rare exotic". It has taken me 7 weeks of researching color and size find out what it was because I had never heard of the breed before. Finally after the second try, someone on this website gave me some insight. Cannot...
  9. Julic

    Blue or Pink?

    Here are some updated pictures of the G/L and S/L Wyandottes. I was so sure they were all male but now I am thinking probably not. The comb is red on all of them but I read that they will have redder combs at a younger age. They are approximately 9 weeks now. What do you think? blue? Sorry...
  10. Julic

    Please help me identify breed and sex

    Updated photo of Baby Huey at 7 weeks. He is very calm and sweet. Looks like his comb is coming in single. Still no idea what he is. He is still big as ever. You can see him in the photo next to a Wyandotte that is a few weeks older than he is. He is very clumsy and steps on his own feet...
  11. Julic

    Calling all Guinea experts

    Thanks to everyone for the great responses. To answer a couple questions: They are inside a dog run that is approximately 15ft long, 5ft wide, and 7ft to the top of the canopy cover. The coop is inside the run and off the ground. It is 4 ft x 3 ftx 3ft insulated plastic box with a cover...
  12. Julic

    Calling all Guinea experts

    I have a male and female Guinea and have had them since January. I got them both as adults and at the time they were housed with chickens. Once arriving to my house, they were given a large dog run with a coop of their own which sits 2 ft up off the ground. They rarely go in the coop but...
  13. Julic

    Please help me identify breed and sex

    Yeah, I read that they were smallish which didn't fit but the comb did. I guess only time will reveal. I keep thinking he is some kind of cross but cant imagine a hatchery doing that.
  14. Julic

    Please help me identify breed and sex

    Thanks Shannondee. Kelsie 2290 that is what I thought too. It appears to split in the middle. I have never seen one before in person so I googled it. Will be easier to tell in a week but I think that is what it is.
  15. Julic

    Please help me identify breed and sex

    Here are some updated photos of little "baby huey". He is going on 5 weeks now. Still towers over the other chicks (he is taller than a bottle of water). Anyway, I realized after my original post that on my shipping invoice from McMurray that they gave me a free "rare exotic breed". I looked...
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