Recent content by juliebugg86

  1. juliebugg86

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest - 11/18/2019 - Pic by Ali James

    Counting the number of pecks in a day.
  2. juliebugg86

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest - 12/02/2019 - Pic by Chickologist

    I think we all love the sensation of mud squishing between our toes.
  3. juliebugg86

    Molting or mites?

    They are about three. I don't see any pins her skin actually looks a little yellowish.
  4. juliebugg86

    Molting or mites?

    I gave her a bath this morning so that I could inspect her more closely. Her skin looks a little yellow. she is weak. there are no pins coming in. The other chicken looks fine just had some brown feathers near hear head. could this be worms? Mites? something else. If her feathers are falling out...
  5. juliebugg86

    Molting or mites?

    My chicken has been molting for at least a month. I am concerned that the feathers that she still has looked really frayed. Is this normal for a chicken to look so scraggly while molting? my other chickens seemed to have their feathers just fall out and return. I don't see any pins forming yet...
  6. juliebugg86

    Chicken's eye has built up fluid in one eye and distened tummy.

    Yes, he just gave her a shot and said get back to me in a week. I will get some Tylan tomorrow. as far as the fluid goes, I will have to do another quick exam and compare o another chicken to see where it is. I called and asked the vet if the swelling was firm or mushy like water, but I haven't...
  7. juliebugg86

    Chicken's eye has built up fluid in one eye and distened tummy.

    OKay, She does not have and cold symptoms. I took the doctor and he said pretty much the same thing in terms of organ issues, but he gave her a shot of antibiotics. It has been a few days and her eye only seems to be getting worse. should it be getting better or will it get better if I drain her?
  8. juliebugg86

    Chicken's eye has built up fluid in one eye and distened tummy.

    I thought that my chicken had puss in her eye, but it is actually an accumulation of fluid. She also has a distended abdomen. It seems like there is fluid built up in her. what could this be? She has not eaten anything this morning. I have her in a cage in the laundry room. is it better to keep...
  9. juliebugg86

    White mass in chicken eye

    oh no. How many days can the chicken go before treatment. Is it a difficult procedure?
  10. juliebugg86

    My chicken has orbicularis oculi exudate (puss in the eye)

    I read another thread that had the same puss in the eye thing. Is there any way around the drainage thing? OMG I am light-headed. I have some clindamycin from another chicken that had an infection. If I give that to her first will it make the abscess easier to drain?
  11. juliebugg86

    White mass in chicken eye

    If you give it clyndomyacine first will it be easier to drain the next day?
  12. juliebugg86

    White mass in chicken eye

    I have a chicken with one of those. I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow, so I have to take care of it tonight. Can I have the chicken sitter give her some Clyndomyacine? I have some left from another chicken.
  13. juliebugg86

    Can I help me chicken's feathers stay cleaner?

    My chicken's feathers around their vent are soiled with dry excrement. This encourages lice and mites. how can I keep it clean? Is there another way other than a bath?
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