Recent content by justin7

  1. justin7

    my dog got ahold of my hen....

    I think she is doing alright. The feathers haven't started growing back yet, and none of the chickens peck at her. She is kind of the odd ball of the bunch and keeps her distance from the rest of the flock. She never really seemed hurt. The first 30 mins right after the dog had her in his chops...
  2. justin7

    my dog got ahold of my hen....

    So I threw a treat out to my dog and Unfortunately one of my hens went after it. My dog had the chicken pinned down and had his chops around her. I got my dog off and he ended up getting released from me and he almost got her again. I checked her over to see how her wounds are and this is what...
  3. justin7

    How to fatten up my hens

    I feel like our red sex links, and Easter egger's are a little under weight. We just started getting eggs from the Red Sex Links 2 weeks ago. We have 9 Red Sex Links, 1 Barred Rock Rooster, 3 Silkie's, and 2 Easter Egger's. The only male we have is the Barred Rock. The silkie's are bigger then...
  4. justin7

    Keeping Chickens Free Range

    The last one is our daughter! It's a little old of the barred rock, but we love this photo so much! This is some of our birds. They free range, but we have 2 big dogs, and a year old cat that roam around the yard and keep everything away. It's awesome whenever the rooster senses predators...
  5. justin7

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Okay thanks a ton
  6. justin7

    Araucana Sexing

    What's the difference between Easter egger and araucana? I was told these were pure Araucanas. I guess I got scammed? :(
  7. justin7

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Cool cool, thanks for the heads up. I only wish I knew exactly how old they were so I would know when to start expecting some eggs from them.
  8. justin7

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Oh awesome. So I will be getting blue and greenish eggs :)
  9. justin7

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Meaning an araucana or Americana? Still new to this breed. Thank you
  10. justin7

    Araucana Sexing

    Is this a hen or a Roo? Also, is this an araucana? I bought them for 10 dollars a peice and I'm not too sure if it was an araucana or not. Thank you for any info :)
  11. justin7

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Anyone know what kind of chick this is? Also I am wondering the sex of it. I was told he/she was 4-5 weeks old. But this bird seems way older because she is pretty big. Thanks for any insight
  12. justin7

    duckling contest

    I did? Lol, I posted this like 5 weeks ago? Lol. Thank you though :)
  13. justin7

    Silkie thread!

    H Honestly. In my opinion. Silkie roosters are super hard to tame. I had 3 and they were all so dominant towards each other I had to keep All 3 of them seperated. But then again, I had friends that also had no problem with the silkie roosters. But I always had problems with silkie roosters...
  14. justin7

    Silkie thread!

    The thing about silkie's is that you want to socialize them when they are baby baby chicks, ours our 9 weeks old. They are also very very skidish. But once we have them and are playing with them, they calm down and realize it's just us and we won't harm them. You don't want to move quick to them...
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