Recent content by Jwebb35

  1. Jwebb35

    How cold is too cold

    Oh thank you! My chickens will be happy to hear that..I'll let them be
  2. Jwebb35

    How cold is too cold

    Hi everyone! I have an Easter egger, two barred rocks, and two australorps.. They have a small coop with roosting bars for them.. They also have a large covered run that I wrapped in plastic for this winter. They love sleeping on top of their coop instead of inside of it. That has not been an...
  3. Jwebb35

    One year old with pasty butt?

    Gertie, my one year old Easter egger, I think has pasty butt...lots of hard dark muck on her back end. (It's so hard to see in the pic..sorry) how do I help her clean this up? She does NOT like to be touched.. How can I prevent this? Nothing in their world has changed..plenty of food, water...
  4. Jwebb35


    Oh my goodness, so kind of you to ask! They're doing great! Huddled in the coop only going into the run when I check on them and their water. Yesterday was rough as I don't have a water warmer so I was out there every hour changing their ice for water.. today was much better as the water didn't...
  5. Jwebb35


    I posted about preparing for the cold asking a few questions, but this cold front hit way colder than I realized! Real feel is -40°... I have plastic tarp around their run and they're tiny little Coop has lots of hay...what else can I do for them?! ♥️
  6. Jwebb35

    Negative bitter temps

    It does not include wind chill..the high for Dec 22 is 0° 🥶🥶🥶
  7. Jwebb35

    Negative bitter temps

    Good morning! This is our first winter with our 3 backyard hens (2 barred rocks and an Easter egger) we are about to hit bitter, way into the negatives, there anything else I can do to help my girls? Here's their current set up.. they have a coop and run which is tiny so we built a...
  8. Jwebb35

    New to winter chicken keeping

    Oh perfect, thank you! Yes, they did not like their first snow and I've already shut the run (it's covered in plastic) as they've already ventured back in...the wind makes sense as we have 20mph wind today
  9. Jwebb35

    New to winter chicken keeping

    Hey guys! This is our first winter with chickens and the temperatures have dropped fast with the nights being 10°.. this past week the chickens have not wanted to go outside because it's been so cold, but today the chickens ran outside for some fresh air and it's 13°, at what temperature is too...
  10. Jwebb35

    Winter questions

    Thank you everyone! What would you use instead of hay for the run so they don't get frost bite and here are the pics of their current set up. I snapped thick plastic all over the run part of the coop and run kit to make it one big coop to give them more room for winter. I'll take it off in the...
  11. Jwebb35

    Winter questions

    Thank you for your quick replies! I live in central IN and I will take pics of their Coop and run when the sun is out in an hour or so 😊
  12. Jwebb35

    Winter questions

    Hello chicken friends! This is my first winter with my chickens and I have a few questions. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with me and helping me keep my chickens safe this winter! 1. I have 2 barred rocks and 1 Easter egger..I let them free range and was wondering how cold is too...
  13. Jwebb35


    That's ok if they're messy with it.. I just want to make sure they are ok if they munch on some of it..I don't want to accidentally give them a sour crop! 😊🐓
  14. Jwebb35


    I was thinking the ground
  15. Jwebb35


    Hi all! This this type of sand ok for the coop? I'd like to use it where they roost to make cleaning a little easier 😊 thanks!
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