Recent content by kabs

  1. kabs

    Camera inside coop

    I just worked though the app, I don't think there is any fees unless you want "their monitoring or "their" cloud storage. Looks like I just need Micro SD cards to record. 🤷
  2. kabs

    Camera inside coop

    I don't pay for any, but I also just use it for live/real time. I'm not recording anything.
  3. kabs

    4 week old silver laced wyandotte gender??

    Sad, but I had a hunch, is 50% error normal? 2 of 4 supposed pullets turning out to be cockerels...
  4. kabs

    4 week old silver laced wyandotte gender??

    Here is the suspects sister...
  5. kabs

    4 week old silver laced wyandotte gender??

    Well, the Silver laced wyandotte turned out to be a cockerel, so handsome and sweet. from the same hatch I think this Rhode Island Red is a male too? Thoughts?
  6. kabs

    4 week old silver laced wyandotte gender??

    Thank you. It's always the sweetest birds. :(
  7. kabs

    4 week old silver laced wyandotte gender??

    7 week update, gotta be a rooster.... right?
  8. kabs

    4 week old silver laced wyandotte gender??

    I know it's early, but Stormy here is giving me rooster vibes, any opinions on her? She's 4 weeks tomorrow, by far the most curious and confident of my 4 newest chicks.
  9. kabs

    Which hen layed this? Lavender Orpington or Silver Laced Wyndadotte?

    Looks like my golden laced wyandottes as well. My orpingtons are never spotty, but like Rose said, every egg and chicken is different.
  10. kabs

    Camera inside coop

    We spy all the time! it's great, we just turn it off after we done spying.
  11. kabs

    Camera inside coop

    I'm not saying they care, just mentioning they can see it.
  12. kabs

    Camera inside coop

    We have the wyze brand in our coop, as long as you turn it off when not using it shouldn't bother them too much, also we found out that the night vision setting on the cameras uses infrared light to illuminate, chickens can see infrared! So it's like having a huge bright flashlight on them.
  13. kabs

    Post pictures of your olive eggers please

    She's awesome looking!
  14. kabs

    Post pictures of your olive eggers please

    Thank you! We think so too. By far our most beautiful eggs.
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