Recent content by karadoskocil

  1. karadoskocil

    Help! Chicken fell in water bucket!

    My Silkie fell in the pool today. It's cold for Texas. I took the advice they gave you and pray he makes it . I'm glad I went out there when I did though.
  2. karadoskocil

    SOS - 3rd chicken sick! SOS

    I will try but I doubt it. I'm definitely contacting TAMU on Monday.
  3. karadoskocil

    SOS - 3rd chicken sick! SOS

    Thank you. I plan to do that for sure. I had a chicken with coccidiosis, and treated the entire flock. That was easy. Wry neck was easy. Not knowing is impossible. :/
  4. karadoskocil

    SOS - 3rd chicken sick! SOS

    Yes, I have got to figure out what is causing this. The place where we bought these new ones made us make an appointment and all kinds of safety protocol. We never had one sick chicken before these arrived then all hell has literally hit. Central Texas This mini Cochin died this week as well...
  5. karadoskocil

    SOS - 3rd chicken sick! SOS

    Hello, the other 2 listless chickens passed away. It's been a minute, so I thought we were okay. All chickens have been eating and drinking normally. Then today, one of the new (less than a month here) Cochins is laying there listless, eye not opened, but still alive. I rushed her to the...
  6. karadoskocil

    Does any one use ivermectin in chickens ?

    People around here take Ivomec to prevent Covid. Eggs are fine.
  7. karadoskocil

    Matted Poop Hen Sitting Alone

    This is her poop today. She is eating and drinking. I still have her seperate from the others though .
  8. karadoskocil

    Matted Poop Hen Sitting Alone

    She has been eating and drinking until this evening. That's why I picked her up and found the dried hard poop.
  9. karadoskocil

    Matted Poop Hen Sitting Alone

    I just treated all of them for this the past 5 days. Haven't seen any blood since I started the treatment. Does poop pile up and get hard like that on these mini Cochins? Idk what to do.
  10. karadoskocil

    Matted Poop Hen Sitting Alone

    8 months and it feels normal.
  11. karadoskocil

    Matted Poop Hen Sitting Alone

    I have a mini Cochin that had a matted butt this afternoon. She was acting normal until then. I soaked her and cleaned her up. REALLY don't want to lose her. What else should I do or watch for? I kept her in the garage tonight with a heat lamp for observation. Thank you
  12. karadoskocil


    No, I had one that was sick last week, but they all seem fine. Noticed this on Saturday evening. Treating everyone with Corid. How long should I continue that?
  13. karadoskocil


    Thank you anyway
  14. karadoskocil


    They are different ages, but the chickens in this barn are 1. They seem fine today, but why the blood? I'm treating water with Corid. How long should I do this? I wonder if the new ones brought it in? Different pen, but same farm.
  15. karadoskocil


    No,they are all acting fine. I had one sick last week with what I thought was wry neck. All acting fine today. Thank you
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