Recent content by kaziopeeps

  1. kaziopeeps

    Hen Not Going Into Coop at Night

    They have been free ranging all summer (got them a week old at the end of March, and was able to spend the summer with them, as I am a teacher) & after a few times of showing them how to go in at dusk, they did it alone. Then, suddenly, one stopped. After a week of sleeping on her own (still...
  2. kaziopeeps

    Egg laying problem - PLEASE help!

    They have oyster shells available next to the food, and they free range on our property. They eat lots of bugs, and as a treat, I give them freeze dried meal worms. I will talk to the owner of our local feed store & see if they have anything that might be higher in protein. She has been...
  3. kaziopeeps

    Hen Not Going Into Coop at Night

    Thanks for the update. My girl seems to be perfectly healthy otherwise as well. Maybe it is just a phase she's going through. By the way, I think it is hilarious that you called them dinosaurs, my husband & I say that ALL THE TIME! :)
  4. kaziopeeps

    Hen Not Going Into Coop at Night

    What ever happened with your hen? I have a young Rhode Island that just started sleeping outside. She's still within her cage & on a perch, but she slept outside for three nights now. I ended up putting her in last night because she was getting soaked from a thunderstorm. She's also stopped...
  5. kaziopeeps

    Egg laying problem - PLEASE help!

    I have a RIR that is about 6 months old. She started laying eggs a few weeks ago & had no problems. She always went to the coop & laid in the nesting boxes. Two days ago, I noticed a white balloonish looking thing coming out of her vent. It ended up being a soft egg shell that had broken...
  6. kaziopeeps

    Quiet Wheeze

    I have 4 Rhode Island Red pullets. They are about 4 months old. Yesterday, I noticed one of them has a wheeze to her breathing. She doesn't seem to have any other symptoms - she's eating, drinking, chasing bugs, etc. I read a little bit about some respiratory diseases chickens can get, but it...
  7. kaziopeeps

    Chick swallowed a strand of hair! HELP ASAP!

    Did your chick get through the hair thing? We just got chicks last weekend & one swallowed a long hair. I'm worried. I cut off the part that was sticking out because she fussed if I tried to pull. Should I do anything else?
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