Recent content by KentuckyMom

  1. KentuckyMom

    What is this creature?

    Greedy Seedy found the answer! It is a skiff moth caterpillar. My sister was pretty impressed with the interest and the quick answer. Thank you all!
  2. KentuckyMom

    What is this creature?

    Thank you. I will pass the website along. There are always woods and fields to explore and more amazing creatures to find!
  3. KentuckyMom

    What is this creature?

    Thank you all for your tenacity! Backyard Chickens folk are a persistent group ! I think my sister is impressed! :celebrate:ya
  4. KentuckyMom

    What is this creature?

    Sure looks like that maybe it. I will send her this and see what she thinks. She is wishing she kept it for observation about now....
  5. KentuckyMom

    What is this creature?

    Yes.Kentucky. It looks like she may have found it in there old barn.
  6. KentuckyMom

    What is this creature?

    Without a doubt! Just when you think you've seen every creepy crawly out there...something new pops into your world!
  7. KentuckyMom

    What is this creature?

    I am starting to wonder about the chrysallis idea. Hadn't even thought about that before.
  8. KentuckyMom

    What is this creature?

    Well, at least I'm not the only one having no luck with Google...I keep thinking " If I just put in the right descriptive words..."
  9. KentuckyMom

    What is this creature?

    I haven't either. Seen a lot of strange critters but never one like this. It has definitely piqued my curiosity too!
  10. KentuckyMom

    What is this creature?

    I'm asking. My sis took pics but didn't save the actual critter. Usually can eventually find answers online but no luck yet.
  11. KentuckyMom

    What is this creature?

    Ick. Slugs are such slimy creatures. I don't think it was slimy...More reptilian looking.
  12. KentuckyMom

    What is this creature?

    No worries. I figure with all the people on here from every place imaginable...someone will know what it is!
  13. KentuckyMom

    What is this creature?

    My sister does not have chickens. She just asked because she couldn't figure it out. She tried googling without any luck. Bizarre. I told her someone on Backyard Chickens will know!
  14. KentuckyMom

    What is this creature?

    Any help identifying this little booger would be appreciated! She has three very curious boys who ate awaiting identification too! :barnie
  15. KentuckyMom

    What is this creature?

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