Recent content by kermax

  1. K

    Any artists out there?

    Looks amazing! Great job! Have you thought about making money on painting? Unfortunately, I can't create such beautiful pics and recently I had to order horse svg designs to create mugs and pillows. I'm sure there is a way to turn your hobby (I...
  2. K

    What made you happy today?

    Nothing special today but I found really comfortable shoes. Just received them. I'm glad that I decided to call anodyne shoes customer service before making the order as they helped me make the right choice and size. Sometimes such little things can make me happy :)
  3. K

    Anyone good with finance? I need some help!

    Did you figure it out? I'm currently trying to self-teach finances. As far as I understood, Cost of Capital represents the minimum return required to compensate investors for their investment risk. WACC, on the other hand, is the weighted average of different capital sources (debt and equity)...
  4. K

    Dog Breed suggestions??

    Just looked through the poll and couldn't make the choice :) All the mentioned breeds can meet your requirements. What about visiting rescues and spending some time with the dogs of the chosen breeds? You can find such places near you on You can also talk to the workers...
  5. K

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    I agree. It is frightening what is going on in the world. Pointless wars with so many lives destroyed... When the war in Ukraine started, I was shocked (I still am, to be honest). I follow the news and donate when I have such a possibility. Also, I found the guys from Cartodonate who are looking...
  6. K

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I'm sorry you lost your hives. Every year I'm going to buy bees. I even addressed mann lake customer service and almost made an order. But it seems to be so complicated for me that I put it for the future. Nobody ever had hives in my family, so I don't have any experience. Also, there are no...
  7. K

    Rookie mistake...footware for inside coop?

    I also wore an old pair of sneakers but I have torn them and need to buy something else. Time passed and I wonder whether people wear any special boots for inside coop today.
  8. K

    Does your dog like the rain!?!?!?

    I can't say that my dog likes the rain but she definitely enjoys running in puddles :) every dog owner can imagine how clean she is after that. Well, it would be a big problem for me as she likes bathing after that, if she didn't have skin issues. She often itches to the wounds and I use apoquel...
  9. K

    "Egg vending machine"

    I didn't even know such vending machines existed. Did you do one? Is it as great as I think?
  10. K


    I had a good experience with hoover hatchery. This is a big and well-known company that works with both producers as well as hobby farmers. I made two orders there. No issues. Also, I checked hoover hatchery reviews here and didn't find any serious complaints there.
  11. K

    Best incubator

    It’s important to choose the right incubator with useful features. What egg capacity do you need? I suggest checking Chick inova incubators as this brand offers incubators holding from 4 to 35 chicken eggs. All of them have temperature and humidity controls, egg turners, and fans. You can find...
  12. K

    New to water glassing

    Is there anything that can be added for yolks not breaking. My husband likes fried eggs eggs sunny side up, so it would be great to find the solution.
  13. K

    Wildlife Photography

    What a great photo!
  14. K

    Short comics about Chickens.

    It made my day :)
  15. K

    Hi everyone

    Hi! New to the forum and to chickens. I decided to raising chickens this year, but I'm absolutely clueless about the process. Though I'm ready to learn.
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