Recent content by kevm2017

  1. kevm2017

    Can i use cattle ivermectin diluted in water and spray on chickens Scaly leg mites?

    Hello today I discovered some of my chickens have scaly Leg mites. The only thing I have available on hand is cattle ivermectin the ones that goes injected. I was wondering if I could dilute some with water and spray it on my chickens legs.
  2. kevm2017

    Chicken cant Move is it a Deficiency?

    Help My Chicken Can't Move for the last 3 days. I found her in the coop Lethargic. I have been giving her NutriDrench, Electrolytes, Boiled Eggs and yet no Luck.
  3. kevm2017

    Tigent Antibiotic

    Thankyou Chicken Friends What would I have Done With Out Your Help lol
  4. kevm2017

    Tigent Antibiotic

    Thankyou!!!! if it is soluble in water I'll just dilute 2.5ML in 1 liter of water and let them take what they need they are eating and drinking just Fine
  5. kevm2017

    Tigent Antibiotic

    Iol yes Google deffinately does help. The comma does seperates the instructions. It says if injected is 1ml/20kg and orally is 1ml/10kg I think it reduces the amount to prevent kidney damage. I'll probably do it orally in a piece of bread to prevent tissue damage. Am all confused know but I...
  6. kevm2017

    Tigent Antibiotic

    Thankyou you are Life Saver, will start treatment tomorrow morning.
  7. kevm2017

    Tigent Antibiotic

    I need to treat 2 young showgirls, 1 marans Pullet and 1 buff orpington pullet with antibiotic. They have CRD. Am always out of luck getting some Tylan. A good friend from Mexico send me this antibiotic. It contains tilosin 200mg/1ml. I need the conversion as to how much to dose each chicken. I...
  8. kevm2017

    Poopy egg ?

    A friend gave me 3 silkies 2 hens & 1 too. One of the hens have laid four eggs and every egg comes out with poop. I don't think it's normal. What can be causing this and how can I fix it the problem?
  9. kevm2017

    Is it possible to buy some marans pullets online??

    I want 2 blues or french black copper marans pullets. I am looking for marans breeders who can shipped them. I dont care about looks I want nice dark chocolate eggs. Is it possible, I appreciate if someone would walk me thru it. TIA
  10. kevm2017

    Help! I Think Some of my pullets Have respiratory problems

    Hello I have 25 pullets and 2 Hens. The hens are a black austrolorp and a white leghorn. They were all pen together. 9 days ago my austrolorp started to make coughing sounds, followed by a rattling sound like if she had phlems. I isolate her immediately. Two days later leghorn started to cough...
  11. kevm2017

    One of my hens laid a HUGE egg!

    Okay Friends didnt had the chance but yes ill share pic it was a delicious double yolker!!! ate it sunny side up yummy for my tummy
  12. kevm2017

    One of my hens laid a HUGE egg!

    Hello chicken Friends!! I am so excited but at the same time sad for the hen I have 24 chickens and yesterday that I went to collect the eggs I notice there was a huge one in the nest clutch. I am surprised and feel bad for the hen :/. Let me share some pics and let me know what you all think...
  13. kevm2017

    What breed does this little chicks looks like?

    Yup after checking them the details and there combs I also compared to the mcmurray catolog chick chart and it match to the picture, 100% identified as hamburgs Thank you!!!!!
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