Recent content by kimwg

  1. K

    Delaware Meat Bird Attempt

    Thanks for sharing about your experiences so far -- I will be following your updates with interest! We do american bresse right now but something that grows out a couple weeks faster without being a frankenchicken would be great!
  2. K

    Free ranging ducks going in the road -- will getting rid of drakes help?

    Rats. due to various aspects of the way the property and the road is set up, there's just not an easy way to fence them in in the area on our property where they most like to hang out. Well, at least the muscovies are content to stay here!
  3. K

    Free ranging ducks going in the road -- will getting rid of drakes help?

    Hi all -- i have a problem with my small flock of laying ducks (khaki campbells, golden hybrids, and silver appleyards). they split into 2-3 groups during the day when free ranging, each with 1-2 drakes. One group visits the neighbors yard and that;s about it, but a second group will take off...
  4. K

    Water glassing or preserving duck eggs -- how dirty is too dirty?

    Hi All -- I am interested in preserving some of my spring duck egg production for later. I know how to water glass chicken eggs, but I've always read that the eggs have to be super clean, without dirt or poop. (And unwashed, obviously.) The problem is that my ducks at least seem to choose the...
  5. K

    Best treat to drive turkeys crazy (and get them to go home at night)?

    I am raising out a batch of heritage turkeys (mix of Bourbon Red, Black, and Midget White) and they are doing great. After two years in a row of them roosting on top of the chicken coops and other buildings and pooping and subsequently fouling (fowling?) my rainwater collection systems, I have...
  6. K

    Is this a slipped tendon in limping chick or something else?

    Hello -- I have a 3-week old chick hatched by a broody ameracauna who outfoxed us. It has been with mama and siblings since hatching. This morning I found it unable to walk on the ground, with the right leg not working. I've read up on slipped tendon which seems to be the most common cause of...
  7. K

    Relocating a broody muscovy and her eggs?

    Yeah, not really... On the plus side, she's right up against the house so not as high risk to predators as the occasional hen who has gone broody in dense vegetation by the canal only to never return. However, the coyotes and other predators have been kicking our butt this year after many years...
  8. K

    Relocating a broody muscovy and her eggs?

    My second question to the duck forum in a day! I have five muscovy ducks that sleep in a fenced in yard and free range during the day. The last few days we;ve noticed one of the hens missing at night even though we would spot her during the day at times, and suspected she might be sitting on...
  9. K

    Seasonal dips in duck egg production -- what to expect?

    Hi all -- I am relatively new to duck egg production. I have a flock of 4 2-year-old khaki campbells, 6 1-year-old golden hybrid 300's, and 2 1-year-old silver appleyards. (These are the hens, I have a few assorted drakes that go around with them). We also keep chickens. All are free range with...
  10. K

    Pekin vs Muscovy Carcass -- How to Tell Apart?

    Thanks -- I can do a few at a time on my own, but aside from only being able to sell self-processed poultry on farm in Michigan (i.e., gotta take them to a processor for farmers market/online sales), I just don't have the stamina to do like 30 ducks on my own!
  11. K

    Pekin vs Muscovy Carcass -- How to Tell Apart?

    I could ask -- I've found that they're not always reliable in keeping things sorted, which is why I'm trying to think ahead. Practically speaking, there would more than likely be a size difference if they all went in at once (I would probably do muscovies at 4 months and pekins at 3 months) but...
  12. K

    Pekin vs Muscovy Carcass -- How to Tell Apart?

    Hi -- I have a question about raising meat ducks. We have done Pekins in the past, but recently tried out one of our muscovy ducks (we got a few last year for fly control) and we just adored the lean beefy meat. I would like to do a batch of muscovies and a batch of Pekins. Ideally we would...
  13. K

    How can I encourage my heritage turkeys to roost in a tree and not on a roof?

    Hi All -- Second year in a row I am raising up a bunch (25-30) of heritage breed turkeys for holiday eating. Mostly mixed breed heritage (generally looking like standard bronzes but some lighter) and Bourbon reds. Last year, I didn't clip wings and these strong flyers would roost all over, but...
  14. K

    Suggestions for freezing poultry in poly bags?

    Hi All -- Processed 21 heritage turkeys, sold 17 of them (purposely processed all we had that were market size, since we wanted a variety) but of course now I have 4 left. I would like to freeze them to sell for Christmas (or anytime someone needs a whole turkey), but they came back from the...
  15. K

    Question regarding visibility of dark pin feathers on heritage turkeys

    True dat! But with the COVID crunch on poult supplies, I was happy to get any heritage birds at all! I really like the Bourbon Red since the underfeathers have very light shafts that don't leave much behind, but then the outer feathers have the lovely chestnut coloring. Best of both worlds.
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