Recent content by kinkajou34

  1. kinkajou34

    My rooster got his foot stuck and is now refusing to use his legs

    He decided his frozen leg now works and the other one doesn't. He is still flopping around though mostly as a beeline for my lap before trying to sleep.
  2. kinkajou34

    My rooster got his foot stuck and is now refusing to use his legs

    My rooster got his leg stuck in some wire while we weren't home and decided to just lay there and let his leg freeze. We brought him in to warm it up so he could use it again and he is now refusing to use both of his legs and just flops anytime we stand him up. We did get him to move a little...
  3. kinkajou34

    My chicken walks weird sometimes

    I'll get her some vitamins then
  4. kinkajou34

    My chicken walks weird sometimes

    She is a red sex link
  5. kinkajou34

    My chicken walks weird sometimes

    She's been doing it for about six months but I noticed that it's something that my other chickens don't do.
  6. kinkajou34

    My chicken walks weird sometimes

    I've noticed that sometimes my hen will start walking backwards and sideways like she's drunk, but she will carry on normally in a minute or so. Should I be worried?
  7. kinkajou34

    Help one of my roosters has a leg that causes him discomfort

    He's two years old and he seems to have no discomfort in the other foot i can't currently get a photo of the other leg but i can when i get back
  8. kinkajou34

    Help one of my roosters has a leg that causes him discomfort

    He tends to walk around by hopping on one foot to avoid using the leg that causes discomfort and I'm not sure what's causing it
  9. kinkajou34

    Help one of my roosters has a leg that causes him discomfort

    I don't know what is wrong with it but he avoids using that leg
  10. kinkajou34

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Artwork Contest

    Entry #3 White acrylic marker on black acrylic background
  11. kinkajou34

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Artwork Contest

    Entry #2 Continuous line drawing of sir Patrick Stewart
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