Recent content by KittyHawk

  1. K

    Suddenly blind 7-8year old red sex link hen

    Thanks. Yeah the BP meds are under doctor supervision was more wondering on vitamins. Meds in chickens are fairly new as they haven’t really been considered “pets” until the last 7-10 years or so.
  2. K

    Suddenly blind 7-8year old red sex link hen

    Thank you for this. Shes still with us. We started her on blood pressure meds and she starting to make an improvement. I’m still giving her b complex and VitE, I don’t know how long to do this for? Any advice?
  3. K

    Suddenly blind 7-8year old red sex link hen

    So doctor says eyes are clear, everything looks healthy, lens are clear with no cataracts. We did take a blood pressure and it was elevated. Unsure if due to stress or truly high. Unfortunately today she has declined, I’m able to walk and lethargic. She was eating wonderfully yesterday, not...
  4. K

    Suddenly blind 7-8year old red sex link hen

    Thank you for responding. I don’t have any pics right now could take some later. I can’t appreciate any cloudiness or greying. I’mucky enough that I work at a specialty vet. And just spoke with our ophthalmologist and she is going to do an eye exam on her tomorrow for me, so I’ll know more...
  5. K

    Suddenly blind 7-8year old red sex link hen

    I thought about it. But I feel it would stress her out being in an unfamiliar place. And we just aren’t home enough. I only have three chickens now and she has been with them her entire life. They all seem to be getting along well still.
  6. K

    Suddenly blind 7-8year old red sex link hen

    Thank you. I didn’t notice anything prior to yesterday. She’s always been our “social butterfly” and her nickname is Dora the explorer, she’s either right with you when doing yard work hoping for some juicy bugs or off doing her thing and finding fun places to explore. This makes me sad, and I...
  7. K

    Suddenly blind 7-8year old red sex link hen

    Hi My older lady seems to suddenly have gone blind, noticed last night when she wasn’t in the coop with the others. Found her and helped her onto a lower perch hoping if she fell she wouldn’t hurt herself. This morning I had to help her off the perch. She couldn’t find the food/ hanging...
  8. K

    Electric fences and pet dogs

    Hi BYC!! We are moving our flock to bear country . We have an 8 foot chain link perimeter fence around part of the property. We want to add an electric fence to the perimeter fence. We are worried about our pet dogs, how can we set this up so that nothing gets in from the outside, but if our...
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