Recent content by kloverdarling

  1. kloverdarling

    Help, super mean hen issue.

    They have plenty of room, I have currently 1 rooster and 10 hens, probably add just a couple more but first dealing with this issue.
  2. kloverdarling

    Help, super mean hen issue.

    After doing some reading on other posts and such, we’re going to set up a space for the injured hen in the coop/run area and put the mean lady in the outside pen we build also. Cheers to a busy Sunday.
  3. kloverdarling

    Help, super mean hen issue.

    So I have one hen in my flock that seems to be above even my rooster in the pecking order. I’ve noticed she picks feathers of some of the other birds, especially our rooster. Today I noticed she really injured another hen. We’re planning on building a tractor type run tomorrow to separate...
  4. kloverdarling


    So, one of the new birds has started laying. This mystery black feathered lady and 2 buff brahmas and two Rhode Island reds are the possibles. This darker brown egg is the new addition. So, probably the mystery girl and probably a Maran of sorts?
  5. kloverdarling


    Picked up a few chicks from Rural King back in September. Was supposed to be a silver laced Wyandotte… definitely not but what is she? All black, feathered feet and single comb…
  6. kloverdarling

    Breed/gender guess?

    Dark legs, light soles but not very yellow to me, I forgot my phone when I ran down to look… will have to snag a picture later.
  7. kloverdarling

    Breed/gender guess?

    From what I remember they had at the feed store near what was supposed to be the Wyandotte bin, but it could be a maran, they might have had some of those too… I’ll just have to wait it out and see… the others I’m feeling confident are ladies. A couple RIR and buff brahmas.
  8. kloverdarling

    Breed/gender guess?

    After hatching a couple of our eggs with a broody hen this spring and getting all roosters we decided to get “pullets” from the feed store. I’m only really questioning one of them being a rooster. I also think it’s not at all the breed it’s supposed to be. Was supposed to be a silver laced...
  9. kloverdarling

    Gender? I’m really unsure.

    Ugh. Yes. That’s what I was thinking too… one of our girls wanted to sit and we had something (rodent or snake) that got in and stole several of her eggs. We did find and fix where it was getting in. Hatched 3… the third in question I haven’t gotten a good picture of yet… I kinda think it’s a...
  10. kloverdarling

    Gender? I’m really unsure.

    Trying to figure out if these are hens or Roos… the blonde is a mix of whiting true green and ameraucana. The other is all ameraucana. They were born in mid June. I appreciate any input.
  11. kloverdarling

    My flock was attacked by dogs

    I’m making some solution. My husband picked up a spray to treat them, will have to look at what it is. So far my questionable girl is still alive. Fingers crossed she makes it through the night.
  12. kloverdarling

    My flock was attacked by dogs

    Someone’s dogs (3) came onto my property this morning and somehow got into my chicken pen. I’ve lost 4 birds, possibly will lose another girl not doing well. Most of the injuries are fairly minor considering on the ones still alive. A lot of feather loss. My rooster however is pretty bad. He’s...
  13. kloverdarling

    Black spots on my roosters comb? Help!

    So after posting, my rooster diesel's black spots have all healed and he is lookin good again!
  14. kloverdarling

    Show off your roosters

    Diesel, BPR
  15. kloverdarling

    Barred Rock x Easter Egger

    One of my BPR girls went broody. 8 out 11 hatched. 6 were from my EE girls and 2 are either BPR or BJG. My rooster is a BPR so I will most likely be getting barred Easter eggers?! They are 2 weeks old, here are a few photos...
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