Recent content by Koggecritters

  1. K

    Broad breasted turkey

    Yeah it's common in meat birds as they grow too fast/big for their heart to keep up. It just didn't present the same way as in chickens.
  2. K

    Broad breasted turkey

    I culled it. It was ascites.
  3. K

    Broad breasted turkey

    Hatched 3/6 and the other 7 look very healthy. This one is pale/blueish and lethargic. Could it be a heart issue due to growing so fast, or do I have a sick bird? Would you process for human consumption? No coughing/sneezing/discharge/nothing. Was totally fine yesterday. Is eating still. The...
  4. K

    Wyandotte hatching question

    Yeah that was more what I was thinking. I'm going to increase my odds by adding only blue 😉
  5. K

    Wyandotte hatching question

    I'm adding more blue hens and blue roos this year, but I thought I had a 50 percent chance of blue laced from my blue hens? I have plenty more chickens to add roosters just fyi. I only hatch the wyandotte eggs though.
  6. K

    Wyandotte hatching question

    I have a black laced gold rooster over 1 gold laced hen and 3 blue laced red hens. Ive hatched 2 batches of 10 chicks all black laced gold. Why am I not getting any blue laced? Cackle Hatchery chickens if that matters.
  7. K

    Tail feather question. Starting to look like roos?

    The 2 white chickens are 3 month old Easter Eggers. Their combs still appear to be a single row. One has sharper spurs. It has gone after me twice. Now they are getting these really long tail feathers as of about a week or two ago. I'm curious if I have 2 roos or if it is normal for these tail...
  8. K

    Easter Eggers- gender?

    #1 as in the black and gold? The white one went after me yesterday, but maybe I just scared her trying to pick her up and check her out. I try and look at them closely every couple weeks. Black and gold is 1 month older.
  9. K

    Easter Eggers- gender?

    I'm pretty sure this one is a roo.
  10. K

    Easter Eggers- gender?

    4 month old, very bossy. I'm new to this, but her peacomb is multi rowed. She's our favorite and I'm hoping she's a she.
  11. K

    I know I should just be patient but does this look like a roo?

    3 month the old. A little early to determine sex, but this one is very different from the others.
  12. K

    I know I should just be patient but does this look like a roo?

    I thought so! Thanks 😊. He's beautiful!
  13. K

    I know I should just be patient but does this look like a roo?

    This Golden Laced Wyandotte doesn't carry itself like the others. It holds its tail straight up and struts around. It also has a flashier blue sheen to it.
  14. K

    Rescued 4 chicks- questions

    After calling the store I have determined that they have to be ISA browns. I'm so excited!! They are super thin and look greasy. Again any help on that would be appreciated. They were not started on medicated feed. I started it today.
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