Recent content by Kris64

  1. Kris64

    Laying Hens

    I intended to only have chickens for eggs. I'm afraid both my husband and I lack to emotional fortitude to kill one of our "girls". Yet . . . it seems unnatural to eat meat (as I do) and not be willing to do the whole process. Now I am toying with culling 2 of the hens next Fall--unless they...
  2. Kris64

    Evergreens branches

    What do you all think of using cut up evergreen branches in the chicken house as litter? I use a deep litter method.
  3. Kris64

    Deep litter method

    I haven't responded yet, because I'm not really sure. But here's what we did: First our next boxes are raised well above the ground--this might not be practical with ducks. The wood surrounding the boxes--and our entire hen house for that matter, was painted with a livestock safe paint to detour...
  4. Kris64

    for those that use deep litter method...please advise me

    I mix the litter first and then toss a bunch of straw on top.
  5. Kris64

    Which Feed?

    I buy organic feed and the company I purchase from has just added varieties. Which is best between: soy-free (starting with peas, corn, oats, wheat, etc) or soy and corn-free (staring with peas, oats, wheat, and barley, etc)?
  6. Kris64

    Deep litter method

    If the concern is that the litter is getting turned too frequently, I don't think that's a problem and may actually be a plus instead. To make a compost pile break down faster, one recommendation is to turn it daily. So this should be the same for DL.
  7. Kris64

    Deep litter method

    Toss in some kitchen scraps too. I toss in anything I would normally put into a compost bin.
  8. Kris64

    Deep litter method

    I began our coop (open-air so just 3 sides) with ~6 inches straw on a dirt floor. The pullets started sleeping on the ground even though there were roosts. I kept moving one of the roosts lower until at 3-4 months they started using this. I wanted them on the roost because as they get older and...
  9. Kris64


    Our run and chicken house is all 1/2" hardware cloth buried 1' straight down all around as well. Expensive, but it's a hobby that I wanted to not result in nighttime deaths. . . .
  10. Kris64

    Deep litter method

    There may be better ideas on starting DL with a wood floor, but I'd start by adding some dirt. This is where the microbes live that you want to break down organic material. Personally, I'd DL the whole thing. Even our run is "sort of" DL. I haven't cleaned it out. I just turn it up a couple...
  11. Kris64

    Deep litter method

    Do you ever get concerned about the chickens digging through their own poop? I mean, having roosts with food scraps underneath that the hens may peck at?
  12. Kris64

    Raised beds: What to use for the sides?

    Any suggestions for a siding on a raised garden bed that will double as a dust bath when no plants are in it? I looked at cedar, and it was too expensive.
  13. Kris64

    Do you clean or sanitize?
  14. Kris64

    Deep litter method

    Great reply!!! I have a dirt floor and only straw and poop that I turn every few days. Still no composting. Tried adding water in a corner, which only resulted in mold in that corner. I'll be sure to toss in lots more weeds. I've also thought, in my case, that there's way more floor space and...
  15. Kris64

    Deep litter method

    Hum. . . not sure what you mean. I have only dirt floors and that works the best for deep litter since the micro-organisms in the dirt help to break down the litter.
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