Recent content by KTay11

  1. K

    When do I open my nesting box inside the coop?

    I have 5 (well 4 right now because one wandered off tonight) 13 week old chickens. I have the nesting boxes blocked off right now because I didn’t want them to form bad habits and get it gross for no reason right now. When should I uncover it and put a decoy in there?
  2. K

    Lazy chickens?

  3. K

    Went out to fill water and it’s still full-ish

    So my chicks are outside now, I got them Feb 27 so they’re about 10 weeks old. I have basically had to fill their water daily since I’ve had them, but today I just went out and it was almost still full. It was cooler today than it has been, and I gave them some treats- lettuce and some berry...
  4. K

    8 week chicks able to stay outside at night with temps in 40s/rain?

    I have 5 assorted egg layers that are 8 almost 9 weeks old. We live in Michigan and I got them at TSC, all supposedly cold tolerant. We’ve got the coop all set up, hardware mesh on floor, sand on top, and rocks around the outside. I’ve been keeping them in the garage, and letting them out on...
  5. K

    3 & 4 week old chicks good without heat lamp?

    Thank you all so much! I appreciate the help and kind words!!!! :)
  6. K

    Guy at TSC recommended some bird seed to me for my chickens a/ flaxseed oil in it. Is this ok to give to my girls in small doses as treats?

    Oh shaker cans! Good idea! Thats what I planned on was just treats to get them to come back in but want to get them used to my treat call lol
  7. K

    Guy at TSC recommended some bird seed to me for my chickens a/ flaxseed oil in it. Is this ok to give to my girls in small doses as treats?

    I was chatting with the guy at tractor supply about chickens, and how they like seeds and whatnot and he was like “oh I have this, it’s in the bird aisle but the chicks love it” and so I got it thinking that it was great because it’s got a bit of red pepper in it and seeds and whatnot all in...
  8. K

    3 & 4 week old chicks good without heat lamp?

    Thank you! I thought so, but then last night they were going kind of insane in there and it made me worry haha
  9. K

    3 & 4 week old chicks good without heat lamp?

    Thank you so much!!! I thought so, but I just wanted to be sure haha. I’m a heavy sleeper, so I’ve been setting an alarm for 2am to check on them the last few nights haha!!! Loving having these girls so far! We can’t wait to get outside though!!! Thanks for your help!!!
  10. K

    3 & 4 week old chicks good without heat lamp?

    First time chicken owner here so I’m sorry if this is dumb to ask. I just want to make sure I am taking the best care of the babies as possible. I have four 4 week old chicks, and one 3 week old chick. All are mostly feathered except the 3 week old. My house stays at about 72-73. Wondering if...
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