Recent content by KurochkaRyaba

  1. KurochkaRyaba

    Roosters wings feather damage? Rash? Fungus?Uncertain

    The thought crossed my mind…hmm, the other boys are silkies and about twice his size so maybe so but I’ve only seen the top two roos fight a little and they both ignore him and the other silkie roo doesn’t seem to fight with anybody. Does seem like the most likely cause I guess. I’ll have to...
  2. KurochkaRyaba

    Has Anyone Ordered From BirdPal?

    Purchases 11/2023 Exp 08/2025
  3. KurochkaRyaba

    Injured toe on silkie rooster

    Personally I’d snip it off.
  4. KurochkaRyaba

    This is Minnie, what’s wrong with her skin?

    Looks to me like shes being pecked by the other chickens. I have a cochin/silkie mix that looks just like that but I have roos and shes a favorite.
  5. KurochkaRyaba

    Elector PSP I know you can buy a tiny amount here vs the whole expensive bottle.
  6. KurochkaRyaba

    Has Anyone Ordered From BirdPal?

    I’ve ordered and have received what I ordered. Have not tested to confirm product is as advertised but I believe it to be.
  7. KurochkaRyaba

    Injured toe on silkie rooster

    Tough to say from here. Does it seem like its about to rip off? Is it just cracked? How badly is it bleeding? Whats the run like? Is he in a lot of mud? I think the time I bandaged a toe was a silkie roo almost completely ripped his nail off so I cut the little bit that was flopping around and...
  8. KurochkaRyaba

    Bird has fluid in lungs after trying to get out sour crop liquid.

    I’d probably leave her be. It felt like after getting it all out of my hen she’d start feeling better pretty quick and get back to eating and drinking on her own. Maybe look into acidified copper sulfate or I went...
  9. KurochkaRyaba

    Enlarged crop, sour crop

    One of my older girls had sour crop bad and it was kind of a cycle I chased for a while. It’s very apparent. I have another hen who always has a giant squishy crop and I was a little worried at first but thats just how she is.
  10. KurochkaRyaba

    Injured toe on silkie rooster

    I’ve had a few chickens break off their nails, one I wrapped up for a couple days with some ointment but they’ve all healed okay. One particular hen, her nail never grew back but it’s not been a problem.
  11. KurochkaRyaba

    Roosters wings feather damage? Rash? Fungus?Uncertain

    Hello, I’m hoping to maybe get an opinion on my little dUccle rooster, he’s got something going on with both wings, same spot - theres some feather damage and kind of red raw skin that concerns me beyond typical feather picking/pecking from other chickens. I don’t really see him get in fights...
  12. KurochkaRyaba

    Large tear/cut below vent

    I’d say full recovery. I’m very thankful to have a happy ending, thank you all again. I didn’t want to make a new thread for such a minor issue but thought I might post in this thread hoping to maybe get an opinion on my little dUccle rooster, he’s got something going on with his wings. I don’t...
  13. KurochkaRyaba

    Large tear/cut below vent

    Poor thing. I really don’t have any advice but I hope you can get her healed up - very tough situation.
  14. KurochkaRyaba

    Large tear/cut below vent

    Oh gosh, that looks way worse, poor thing! Hope you can get her cleaned up and get that poop off and disinfected. Fingers crossed for her.
  15. KurochkaRyaba

    Large tear/cut below vent

    Quick update - Misty is back with all her friends and doing very well. I continue applying ointment and checking on her daily but at this point her bottom is looking very good, her wound has almost closed up, and I feel confident she’s fine. Thank you for your guidance!
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