Recent content by Kyo

  1. K

    Controlling Flies Around Coop

    Will quail eat the flies or larvae? Or is that more for chickens?
  2. K

    How old is too old to breed female Coturnix quails for a backyard flock?

    i just incubated 14-ish eggs from 2yr old ladies. I got 5 chicks that hatched and are doing good. So it can still work, you just might have to do a lot of smaller batches since you don't have a lot of birds. Because you will still need to deal with making sure to get enough females if that's...
  3. K

    To cull or not

    the scalping and ripped out feathers is common in quail aggression, either with breeding or just pecking order aggression. So the culprit is certainly another quail. To OP: I'd suggest cull, she's too aggressive and dominant to be with others and will not be happy alone as another person said.
  4. K

    Injured Quail Question

    I've not dealt with the head injury like that, but i have dealt with the head hanging low and weak. Though mine was from a neck injury from others pecking the back of her neck open a bit. It didn't turn out well. Imo, if it doesn't resolve in a couple days it might be kinder to cull. For...
  5. K

    Coop question vs Predation

    I'm about to upgrade my quail coop and run (to make more appealing as well as more space). Only known predators in my area are raccoons and skunks. I was just wondering if anyone knowns how thick of wood you need to keep them out? I'm looking at using cedar fencing boards to get a cheaper vs...
  6. K

    Rolled oats

    So I'm raising mealworms for my quail but I want to be sure to there aren't any grain mites. I tried looking it up but I can't find clear results. Does anyone know how long and what temp to treat it in the oven for?
  7. K

    Greenhouse aviary?

    Would replacing some of the polycabonate sides with chicken wire make it more manageable as a run during summer? I don't have the greenhouse yet to look at it closely to see if it's even an option, but i was thinking of gearing it out according to season. Make panels with wire for summer, swap...
  8. K

    Safe plants to give from garden

    So as summer is coming to a close I want to give garden plants to my quail before putting it in compost. Are the plant parts of green beans, peas, zucchini, peppers, and cucumbers all safe? I've been trying to look it up but I'm not finding any clear answers. I know tomato greens aren't good...
  9. K

    Selective breeding

    Oh shit, I was thinking a week max! Good to know. I was hoping it was pretty short turn around cause I'd prefer them having more space of the outdoor run instead of just being in a smaller section like the hutch. I appreciate the time to help me out btw
  10. K

    Selective breeding

    I was wondering if anyone knows how long after hens being separated from other males you can expect the eggs to be from the new male? Basically how far along will a female hold sperm for their eggs. Will 2 days be enough to expect the eggs to be from the new male's genes? I have a mixed flock...
  11. K

    Fancy quail coop ideas

    watercress and duckweed might be really good in the pond, free food for them to eat and duckweed grows fast. But like the other person said, make sure it's VERY shallow and probably small in general, also make sure if rain can get in that you have an overflow to bring the water away from the...
  12. K

    Had to cull (questions as to what was wrong)

    I'm unsure how it would have gotten the momentum to do such an injury with it only essentially being a foot tall since shavings were so deep. The run is entirely enclosed even with buried hardware cloth. But a predator trying to get in might have spooked it into flying sideways or something...
  13. K

    Had to cull (questions as to what was wrong)

    So, I'm sorry if this is potentially graphic, please don't continue if you're squirmy about blood. But a week or two ago I went to go check my outside quail and I spotted one with just a lil blood on the sides of its mouth. I checked out the rest and some had some dried blood apparently...
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