Recent content by KYTinpusher

  1. KYTinpusher

    Chicken Breed Focus - Isbar (Blue Isbar)

    I think I see a couple of blue feathers, so she could be a very light splash. However, I believe there have been reports of recessive white in the stock from GFF. You can test breed her to know for sure. Breed her to a black cock. If all of the offspring are blue, she is splash. If the offspring...
  2. KYTinpusher

    Silkied Ameraucana Project

    Oh, man!!! :th I promised my son I would try to find him some. Even though I swore I wouldn't hatch anymore this year :oops:, do you sell and ship hatching eggs? Are these from Trish's line by chance?
  3. KYTinpusher

    NKY - Barnyard Mix chicks!

    I have 15 barnyard mix, straight run (unsexed) chicks, hatched 5/17. I put the eggs in the incubator for a local preschool class, but didn't have time to bring them over for them to hatch. They are blue, black, splash, chocolate, mocha (mauve) and maybe latte (chocolate splash). Some are...
  4. KYTinpusher

    The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

    Congratulations! @sunnychickville is the winner! Please PM me your PayPal address and your shipping information and I will send you an invoice.
  5. KYTinpusher

    The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

    They're Back! 6+ eggs from my purebred Svarthöna pen with 5 standard feathered pullets (may be carrying woolly) covered by 2 Woolly cockerels. Chances are good you will hatch a woolly, but if not, all chicks will carry woolly. I have 6 eggs gathered so far from Sat. to today and...
  6. KYTinpusher

    The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

    Let's see... cool and hot spots in the incubator and age of the eggs come to mind. The older the eggs, the longer they take to hatch. If I remember right, I think it is about an hour longer for every day older on the egg. And eggs that are incubated mostly in the hot spots will hatch faster and...
  7. KYTinpusher

    The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

    I know. I had already gone up to bed and figured I would take care of it on my tablet, but I had to come back down to the desktop to check the times.
  8. KYTinpusher

    The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

    And Lisa wins it just under the wire! Congratulations! Thank you everyone for your bids.
  9. KYTinpusher

    The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

    Under a half hour left on these. @Jessimom has the high bid at $7
  10. KYTinpusher

    Woolly Svarthöna (Swedish Black Hen) hatching eggs - 6+

    These are pure Svarthöna (Swedish Black Hen) from GFF and ECF lines. The woolly variant is a natural variation found in a limited number of landrace Svarthöna. The woolly gene, as it is referred to in Sweden, is the same as the Silky gene and is recessive. I have 2 woolly cocks over 5 standard...
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