Recent content by Lady507

  1. Lady507

    Chicken has complete white poop

    I know we feel terrible for that poor chicken, I can’t imagine how his other chickens must be. We hadn’t had chickens in many many years (all of whom we had raised too) and we were actually going to go buy a couple chicks from a hatchery so she could have some buddies and we can get more eggs. I...
  2. Lady507

    Chicken has complete white poop

    Unfortunately she passed away. Thank you everyone for trying to help me, I am still not exactly sure what she had but I realized how sick she was to late. Hopefully she can rest in peace now that her suffering has ended.
  3. Lady507

    Chicken has complete white poop

    I am trying to get her to drink some vitamin water but she doesn't want anything at this point. She is completely limp and the mucus won't stop coming from her nose and mouth. I don't understand how she got so bad so quickly. 😞
  4. Lady507

    Chicken has complete white poop

    I checked for an egg but there’s nothing in her lower abdomen not even a bump. She’s very skinny so I don’t think the previous owner really cared for her.
  5. Lady507

    Chicken has complete white poop

    Thanks for responding, I really appreciate it!! I smelled her breath and it does smell bad and and now that I got back from school I see she started bringing up this white transparent liquid from her beak as she shakes her head. It seems to come out of her nose and mouth. She wasn’t doing this...
  6. Lady507

    Chicken has complete white poop

    I just checked her crop as it’s morning here It seems distended but when I touched it, it doesn’t seem like there’s food as it’s very soft and she has an eye closed today that she’s not opening and her breathing is more labored. I attached a photo of her below What do you think I should do? Any...
  7. Lady507

    Chicken has complete white poop

    That is a good theory I checked her vent and there’s no pushing or any distending. I will keep an eye out though in case she starts pushing or something similar. I did notice a couple hours ago she would occasionally shake her head with her beak open. I think I have heard of this when they have...
  8. Lady507

    Chicken has complete white poop

    I bought her Purina layer pellets that it says it’s good for the immune system and it has omegas which it said is also good for them. But she won’t eat it, she’ll peck it and swallow a couple pieces but that’s about it. I mixed it with some pigeon food (it’s corn, safflower, white and maple...
  9. Lady507

    Chicken has complete white poop

    Yeah he has the rest of his chickens he just said he didn’t want her anymore because he had to many black chickens 🤷🏼‍♀️ She was although she wouldn’t eat much but she roamed around and would occasionally peck at the ground. She would even run away from us and cluck a little. But now she just...
  10. Lady507

    Chicken has complete white poop

    Hello, so my dad showed up with a chicken to my house 1 week ago after his friend didn’t want her anymore. She’s our only chicken (we are thinking about getting her a buddy soon). But since she came she’s been slow and not a big eater. At first we thought maybe it’s her getting used to a new...
  11. Lady507

    CAG questions

    Thanks for your response, I greatly appreciate it. My African grey is the same, she loves my dad the most which is why we think she's a female and that apparently if they have a silver outline on the feathers at the bottom of the tail it means they are a female. Ill definitely keep them separate...
  12. Lady507

    CAG questions

    Hey! And sorry about that it means Congo African Grey :)
  13. Lady507

    CAG questions

    I have my own CAG thats a female that I have had for many years. Her cage is outside but she comes indoors very often. My sister's husband also has a CAG but they are moving to a smaller place and they won't be able to take him. They decided to give him to me so I placed his cage next to mines...
  14. Lady507

    Sick parakeet

    Thanks for answering, I am going to look up the avian clinics around me and see about where I can possibly take her is just that there are very few and the ones around are crazy expensive but I’ll try my best. I’ll definitely try to get some more parakeets maybe adopt some just cause I’m scared...
  15. Lady507

    Sick parakeet

    Hello!! I have 2 parakeets one of them is 10 years old and the other is 6 about to be 7. They both live in an aviary with 2 other lovebirds and they have plenty of perches and things to perch on. The 6 year old parakeet has been acting more slow lately and today I caught her having difficulty...
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